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Canadian Truckers Lead Worldwide Protest – that Would Soon Reach Washington DC
“We’re not coming home until you are all free”
…Canadian Trucker of the Freedom Convoy Against Vaccine Mandates in Ottawa
Mon. 31 Jan. Activation Day Zero
Tues. 1 Feb. Freedom Day
God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand – Mormon Tabernacle Choir – YouTube
“Living Water,” Hinge Point:
Judy Note: Children were 52 times more likely to die after vaccination against Covid-19 than children who had not received the Covid-19 vaccine according to the UK Office for National Statistics. In Congressional Hearings the DOD has been caught covering up massive numbers of Covid Vaccine adverse reactions and deaths.
On Sat. 29 Jan. in what has now become a worldwide protest against vaccine mandates, a 50 mile-long Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy that started in British Columbia, reached Ottawa, along with over a million people. An estimated 50,000 US Freedom Convoy Truckers were supporting them at different US-Canadian Borders, with plans to head to Corrupt DC after the Canadian Trucker demands were met.
There were Trucker Freedom Convoys in Australia, Brazil, Europe, Paris and Brussels and other protests against Covid Vaccine Mandates in Vienna Austria; Paris and Nice France; Kerkrade Netherlands and Palma de Mallorca Spain.
A. Global Currency Reset:
MarkZ: “Deliveries for CMKX and PP’s were rumored to start Sun. 30 Jan. or Mon. 31 Jan. I always thought deliveries would be best during Sunday evening when the vast majority of folks were home.”
Mon. 31 Jan. 2022 was said to be Activation Day Zero: Cyber Attacks could happen to shutdown phones, Internet as the old SWIFT Global Financial System went away for good. Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could receive emails for notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments.
On Sat. 29 Jan. Issac: “I just talked to the US Treasury and they believe liquidity for advances of German bonds will start on Tues. 1 Feb.”
Tues. 1 Feb. Freedom Day Tier 3 and Tier 4B could begin their appointments, while Bond Holders would have access to their monies.
The Emergency Broadcast System would activate Ten Days of Darkness where the Military would broadcast informative eight hour documentaries 24/7 on what was going on.
B. On RV Appointment Protocol:
C. Truckers for Freedom Strike:
100,000+ Canadian and US Truckers plus millions of people join Canadian Truckers for Freedom Rally against Covid vaccine mandates in Ottawa Canada. The now over 50 mile long convoy started in British Columbia, and reached Ottawa, along with over a million people; An estimated 50,000 US Freedom Convoy Truckers were supporting them at different US Borders; there were also Trucker Freedom Convoys in Australia, Brazil, Europe, Paris and Brussels, plus other protests against Covid Vaccine Mandates in Vienna Austria; Paris and Nice France; Kerkrade Netherlands; Palma de Mallorca Spain;
Ottawa: Out in front of Parliament on Friday night. Truckers have parked on the road blocking all lanes going for countless blocks on Wellington St. No pushback from Ottawa Police, who are helping to direct traffic around the massive blockade.
Trucker convoy takes to the streets in Kansas City, Kansas.
Canada massive trucker convoy heading to Washington right after Canada is Free from their Government control. Time to wake up the world! Let’s go! WWG1WGA!
Truckers of Italy began a movement on their own after Canada and the US, as did truckers inTyrannical Australia and Brazil. European truckers unite. Protests are scheduled for February 6 and 7 in Paris and Brussels. All showing solidarity for one another and standing for Freedom!
“You have this vaccination passport, pay attention to how they call it, in every place, a “green pass”. Why? These passports are the Chinese social credit system under a different name, they are going to move on and impose more and more rules and life choices on you.”
#Ottawa partially closes the bridge connecting Ontario to Quebec from 8pm tonight due to the “planned protest” by truckers this weekend.
Fake-Fact-Checker Facebook deleted the Canada Truckers for Freedom group with over 600,000 members.
Armed Snipers videoed on roof overlooking peaceful crowd of Canada Truckers for Freedom group in Ottawa.
Ottawa is totally blocked from the truckers and mainstream media is not covering it. They are afraid that other countries will see how it’s done.
The truckers shutting down Canada’s capital (
D. Covid/Vax Hoax:
What’s the difference between Fauci and Mengele? 82 years.
Pfizer CEO is “disappointed” with the performance of the mRNA vaccine. Instead of withdrawing a failing product from the market, Pfizer confirms it is doing more studies on “4th dose” and “higher doses” of that failing product.
BQQQQQQQM: Dangerous PCR Test exposed:
Ireland’s 1st lockdown was 27th March 2020 and restrictions ended 22nd January 2022. = 666 Days. UK’s 1st Lockdown 23rd March 2020 and end of restrictions 19th January 2022. = 666 Days.
Covid restrictions lifted in England Jan. 19, in Denmark on Feb. 1;
Canada: Citing powers under the COVID State of Emergency and beginning March 2020, the government of Nova Scotia, Canada, declared it illegal to finance, organize, aid, or participate in a truck convoy, or line the roadside in support of a truck convoy, plus violators faced $3,000-$100,000 fines.
E. News Highlights for Sat. 29 Jan. 2022:
Britain braces for three days of gale force winds; over 3,000 flights canceled as snowstorm approaches US East Coast; close to 60 million people affected, 590 reported dead in Communist China floods; deadly flooding occurred as two tropical storms hit Madagascar and there was a one in one hundred year weather event of a whirlpool forming in remote South Australia.
Earthquakes in South Panama,Trinidad, Tobago, Kawerau New Zealand and in Bernau in the Black Forest, Germany where there was lots of activities of military and equipment movement, especially all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Nobody Talking About Dead Pilots: Military Command, Media, Airline Execs Ignoring Air Terror:
Police in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands have joined with International Common Law Court of Justice Sheriffs to seize the outlawed Covid ‘vaccines’, and arrest convicted criminals. Using January 19 2022 Arrest and Confiscation Warrants issued by the ICLCJ, groups of police, ex-military and sworn Sheriffs have closed pharmacies and ‘vaccine’ depots in eleven cities this past week.
In England on 19 Jan, these warrants compelled the British government to cancel their “Plan B” Covid measures, the same day that ICLCJ Sheriffs arrived in London to arrest convicted felons Emma Walmsley (GlaxoSmithKline CEO), Archbishop Justin Welby, and Elizabeth Windsor (aka ‘Queen of England’).
On Vancouver Island in Canada, two felons convicted by the ICLCJ were arrested.
According to an Intel source, the White House will be blown up very soon. “Concrete barricades have been erected around the White House so that the detonation explosion (when the White House is blown up) will not be transmitted to the street and the surrounding area. That will be the case soon. You have seen the online videos of the late detonation flashes on the second floor of the WH. The columns have been weakened in preparation for the upcoming explosion,” according to the planned demolition of the White House. The explosions can be seen inside, and you can even see the birds in their fear, flying around in panic. Soon 34 well-known satanic buildings around the world will be blown up as a symbol of freedom and the end of the war against the evil globalists of the Deep State. People will be freed from their corrupt control. The end of the movie will be very soon.
F. Deadly weather for Sat. 29 Jan. 2022:
Communist China floods: Close to 60 million people affected; 590 reported dead or missing:
Bomb Cyclone: Over 3,000 flights canceled as snowstorm approaches US East Coast.
UK Storm Malik ‘danger to life’ warning issued as Britain braces for three days of gale force winds:
A whirlpool has formed in remote South Australia following three days of torrential rain, in what’s being called a one-in-100-year weather event. Is this an Outback Tunnel being flooded?
Deadly flooding after two tropical storms hit Madagascar.
G. Volcanoes, Earthquakes, DUMBS and Underground Tunnels:
After Tonga now in Japan! The eruption of the Sakurajima volcano scares the people of Kagoshima!
Fri. 28 Jan. Earthquakes in Trinidad, Tobago, Kawerau New Zealand, Bernau in the Black Forest, Germany where there was lots of activities of military and equipment movement, especially all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Fri. 29 Jan. Earthquakes in South Panama.
H. Cyber Attacks:
Bloomberg: Emergency training at a restricted facility off Long Island has aimed to minimize the potentially catastrophic effects of a cyberattack on U.S. power infrastructure:
I. Sat. 29 Jan. Covid Tyranny Begins to Collapse With ICLC Arrests.
Police in Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands have joined with International Common Law Court of Justice Sheriffs to seize the outlawed Covid ‘vaccines’, and arrest convicted criminals. Using January 19 Arrest and Confiscation Warrants issued by the ICLCJ, groups of police, ex-military, and sworn Sheriffs have closed pharmacies and ‘vaccine’ depots in eleven cities this past week.
In England, these Warrants compelled the British government to cancel their “Plan B” Covid measures on January 19, the same day that ICLCJ Sheriffs arrived in London to arrest convicted felons Emma Walmsley (GlaxoSmithKline CEO), Archbishop Justin Welby, and Elizabeth Windsor (aka ‘Queen of England’).
On Vancouver Island in Canada, two felons convicted by the ICLCJ were arrested and held in a local police detention facility. One of them agreed to name others who are involved in the offshore China-Canada organ and drug trafficking trade, and to lead ICLCJ Sheriffs to the site of a mass grave of children killed in recent Big Pharma drug experiments.
Complete details and more breaking news on this historic takedown of the global Corporatocracy will be announced this Sun. 30 Jan. at 6 pm EST on – The Voice of the Republic and the Resistance AND on Mon. 31 Jan. in a global broadcast to be posted at under ITCCS Updates. Issued by the ICLCJ and its Chief Field Secretary Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice on January 29, 2022.
J. Author of Canadian Rights Charter Sues Trudeau:
K. Must Watch Videos:
Thurs. 27 Jan. Juan O Savin Big News Update:
Sat. 29 Jan. Situation Update:
Sat. 29 Jan.: Situation Big Update! White House Implosion? Kerry Cassidy on Cirsten W! Gene Decode Update! Charlie Ward on Ukraine! Hollywood Pedo & Trafficking! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
Fri. 28 Jan.: Military Has Already Removed The President- We Are in the Eye of the Storm- Gen Flynn Dissinformation Campaign- Zero Day Activation- Truck Convoys- | Beyond Science | Before It’s News (
Fri. 28 Jan.: X22Report: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & Clay Clark – The Vaccination Agenda Is Darker Than Anyone Could Imagine! – Must Video | Health | Before It’s News (
Fri. 28 Jan.: Canada Stirring Emotions of the World! Leaders Are Coming Forward! Godfather Comms! Pray! – And We Know Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
L. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
M. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
N. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300
Submit an anonymous tip
National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE):
Federal Human Trafficking Website:
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
Saving Innocence:
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000
EU Hotlines:
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:
Human Trafficking Help and Resources:
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline BBC Action Line
O. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
P. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 29, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 28, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 27, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 27, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 26, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 26, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 25, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 25, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 24, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 24, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 23, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 23, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 22, 2022
Isaac Kappy Exposes ALL of PedoWood a couple months before death
[March 29 2021]
Tom Hanks Satanic Pedofile Killed Issac Kappy [ 02 Mar 2021]
Isaac Kappy
Born: February 17, 1977, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.
Died: May 13, 2019, Bellemont, Arizona, U.S.
May 9, 2020
I’m sure that you have heard about this by now. Isaac Kappy was Killed by Tom Hanks after he ousted Tom Hanks and other Celebrities Being Pedophiles and Satanist Eating Killing Torturing Babies and Children. As many of you know already Tom Hanks had been Arrested in Australia. The Media of course tried to Cover It Up and said he went to Greece. But we all know he was Arrested taken on a Barge with the other Pedophile Celebrities to Gitmo and have been Executed. The Media of course tried to Cover It Up by Doing or Producing Yo of Tom Hanks at the Joseph Biden Inauguration. Photos have shown there was Only 100 People at the Inauguration. Photographers were Positioned on Rooftops. Everything else was done via Hollywood Deep Fake Video Production. Lady Gaga was a Fake. Photos that the Media tried to trick the Public saying it was Lady Gaga when actually it was a Bad Fake Double. Pictures speak a Thousand Words not even Plastic Surgery could cause that Transformation! Let me know what you think
In an Interview with PBS NewsHour correspondent Jeffrey Brown about his New Book of short Stories “Uncommon Type,” and his Work, Actor Tom Hanks also addressed the Recent Allegations of Sexual Misconduct against Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein.
He said that Kind of Behavior is happening in “Every Other Corner” of His Industry, and Many Other Industries across America, particularly by People in Positions of Power. But the Weinstein Allegations represent a Tipping Point for Hollywood, he said.
“The Dam has Burst here in a big way, and it is Not Just the Halls of Places like Harvey Weinstein’s Office where this was Standard Operating Procedure,” he said. “Don’t beSsurprised if, you know, there’s going to be a Sign in Front of Every One of the Studio Gates that will say, ‘All people Entering This Studio will Obey this Code of Ethics, or they will be Escorted from the Premises,’ and that will All be About sSxual Harassment, and Sexual Predatory Behavior.”
Watch his Remarks. Jeffrey Brown’s Full interview with Tom Hanks will Air on the PBS NewsHour later this week.
Isaac Kappy was an actor known for his supporting roles in the films, ‘Thor’, ‘Terminator Salvation’ and in the cable TV series, ‘Breaking Bad’.
In 2018, he began to accuse Hollywood people of being involved in a pedophile blackmail “cult”. As he says in this video:
“…when you’re talking about really elite levels, the name of the game is blackmail. So, they want something on you that they can hold over your head, so they can basically own you and tell you what to do – and they film it – and then they own you. So that’s what runs the whole system.
“Basically, they want compromised people, because they’re easy to control and a lot people, they’ll just go along with it and do whatever, just for fame or money or accolades or any of that stuff…I don’t understand it.
“Some people are just, like really into the evil shit – Yarvo! [Referring to film director, David Yarovesky].”
In this video, Kappy point blank claims the following celebrities are pedophiles:
• Steven Spielberg, film director
• Tom Hanks, actor
• Seth Green and his wife, Clare Grant, actors
• Jimmy Savile, British media personality
• Matt Cohen, actor
• Dan Ferguson, film director
• Tyler Shields, photographer
• David Yarovesky, film director
• James Gunn, film director
• Harvey Weinstein, film producer
• Dan Schneider, TV producer
• Stephen Colbert, late night talk show host
• John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff
• Barack Obama, former President of the US
• Jimmy Kimmel, late night talk show host
• Kevin Spacey, actor
Kappy believed that the evidence is beyond circumstantial that these celebrities are involved in pedophilia on some level or are otherwise “bought and paid for”:
• Macaulay Culkin, actor
• Lloyd Kaufman, film director
• Oprah Winfrey, media mogul
• Ian Black, comedian
• Kathy Griffin, comedian
“Is Oprah a pedophile? Well, let’s see. Hanx [Tom Hanks], Weinstein – I mean, the company she keeps, as rich as she is. I have a feeling she is very high-up in the cult – and make no mistake: This is a cult. There is a widespread cult that is worldwide and it’s f*king bad, Guys. It’s bad. It’s bad…”
About Macaulay Culkin and Seth Green, he says, “I feel a lot of empathy for them, because they they grew up in this shit and you know, it’s trauma. It’s trauma, it’s abuse and…then you get the money and then you get the fame and it’s like, okay. And then all of a sudden, you’re the abuser. And it sucks, man, it sucks.”
Kappy believes there is reason to believe that this person was NOT a pedophile:
• Michael Jackson
“Michael Jackson f*king hated Steven Spielberg, so…this is what makes me think that Michael Jackson was probably innocent, because the media destroyed him. The medical industry destroyed him. He was just f*king destroyed by these pieces of shit, that just want to keep it going. They keep it going…
“Look what they did to Michael. They destroyed him. And look at his music. His music is so uplifting for people but they destroyed him. They hate the light. They hate when people are connected and loving and that is why we’re going to burn these pieces of shit to the f*king ground. Straight up. It’s already happening.”
Some believe that Isaac Kappy’s dead man’s switch resulted in the July 6, 2019 arrest of Jeffrey Epstein.
In this live Periscope video, Kappy responds to live messages and questions that we cannot see, so I’ve made minimal redactions to make for easier reading.
I think this video is a valuable document that provides insights into today’s Hollywood and how its members are controlled, so I transcribed the entire audio, below.
Alright. I’m just gonna get into it. You probably thought I was gonna be talking a lot about Seth and Claire and Yarvo and Matt Cohen and Dan Ferguson…Hmmm. Where does Dan Ferguson work?
No, I’m not even going to talk about Spielberg – who, by the way – Steven Spielberg is a pedophile. Yep. See how easy that was, Corey [Feldman]? I didn’t need $10 million, I just said it!
I want to get into the bigger picture of how this stuff is all connected, because when you’re talking about really elite levels, the name of the game is blackmail. So, they want something on you that they can hold over your head, so they can basically own you and tell you what to do – and they film it – and then they own you. So that’s what runs the whole system.
Basically, they want compromised people, because they’re easy to control and a lot people, they’ll just go along with it and do whatever, just for fame or money or accolades or any of that stuff…I don’t understand it. Some people are just, like really into the evil shit – Yarvo! [Referring to film director, David Yarovesky].
I’m not gonna talk about Tom Hanks, either – who is also a pedophile. Tom Hanks, Folks is a pedophile. Sorry, I’m sorry if this is bursting your bubble. All this information is new but it’s time that this comes out into the open, because we are going to change the way everything works, because at the top levels of wealth, of power, the VERY top levels; these people are just sick and psycho.
Look into the Rothschild family, do some research… you heard it’s cannibals. Yeah, there is cannibalism…The higher you go, the more sick it gets. ‘Pedowood’ has been happening for…a very, very, very long time and this is the thing. This is what really hurts about the situation, because a lot of people are kind of born into this. They grow up in it. They are abused and through the abuse, especially as a child, you can break someone’s subconscious mind. If you’re not aware of any of this stuff, look into MKULTRA.
…Bronfman, if you don’t know who that is, Claire Bronfman, she’s the heiress for Seagram’s, the liquor company and she got arrested yesterday. Oh, Jimmy Savile – yes, I’m getting into that…that’s in my notes. The Royal Family, yeah. Jimmy Savile…raped and murdered hundreds of kids over the over the course of three decades or longer. No one ever looked into it. He hung out with the Royal Family. He was knighted…
The reason I want to talk about Jimmy Savile is because this guy, Mark Thompson…he runs the New York Times. Now, Mark Thompson was head of the BBC for years and years and years. They covered-up allegations…they let [Jimmy Savile] run rampant and they just covered it up. So, this guy, Mark Thompson is at BBC and then he goes over to the New York Times.
Now, think about it. If someone like that is running a giant media organization, what are they gonna say? What are they gonna tell you? Are they going to tell you the truth? No, no, they’re not gonna tell the truth. That’s why when people say for the news, it’s “fake”, it’s because it’s run by these people, who are into some very, very, very, very sick stuff.
What else we got here? Elsagate. Please, please, please, I want you guys to research and look about Elsagate. Elsagate is one of the most evil things I’ve ever encountered in my life. It’s making videos on YouTube with traumatic triggers that actually rewires…little babies – it rewires their subconscious to be more receptive and open to being abused. It is absolutely sick. I posted something on Twitter yesterday but that hashtag is so suppressed. It’s nuts.
And again, I know this might be coming as a shock to a lot of you. You got no idea, because we’re around the media you’re told who to trust, who to like and the people who are telling you who to like are compromised. The people, the actors and musicians – everybody – those people are compromised at the top levels. It’s really bad and…when it hits you, it’s hard. I mean, I didn’t know.
It…took the situation punching me in the face before I realized I was in the middle of some crazy f*ing s**t Most people…are good and they want to trust. They want to trust and they can’t even imagine that that kind of an evil exists. And that helps them cover it up!
We have been brainwashed our whole lives. If you want to do research on Operation Mockingbird, that’s been going on you know 50 years. What happened that caused you to go public?…I just I couldn’t take it anymore. Something came over me on set. I saw that the [James] Gunn allegations and I saw him like, “Oh, they’re just jokes.” I’m like, “Bro, I know who you are. I know you. I’ve met a number of times.” I don’t know Gunn that well but I’m like, “You’re a f*ing liar dude.”
And I just watched them. They lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and I’ve watched it. I’m like, “Mm-hmm, okay.” That’s when something hit me. There was a there was a hostage situation at the the supermarket near my house and there was like tons of helicopters flying over. I don’t know. Something…inside of me just activated and I was like, “You know what? I’m f*king doing this! I’m going down to Comic Con right now and I’ll tell these motherf*kers like, ‘Yo, if I’m a liar, call me a liar to my face,'” right?
Have I crossed paths with Lloyd Kaufman? I don’t know if I’ve met Lloyd. I did a film that I think that was picked up by Troma [Entertainment] but I don’t know. It was a while ago. Aren’t [I] concerned for my life? Yeah but more importantly, I’m concerned for everybody, because this shit has been going on forever. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of it…
Macaulay Culkin and Seth Green are friends. To be honest, I had some fun times with those guys. For being Satanic pedophiles, like Seth is…a pretty cool dude…I feel sorry…I feel a lot of empathy for them, because they they grew up in this shit and you know, it’s trauma. It’s trauma, it’s abuse and…then you get the money and then you get the fame and it’s like, okay, and then all of a sudden, you’re the abuser. And it sucks, man, it sucks.
I really…I have a lot of empathy for both of them…for anyone who is in that situation, because it’s hard. What are they gonna do? How do you get out? Everyone is threatened. Everyone.
Why don’t you show us proof? There’s a bunch of stuff I posted on 8chan – and by the way, the proof is in the f*king pudding. If I’m lying, sue me. Sue me. Great, let’s go to court. Let’s have discovery. Do you know how many people I would love to get up there? Associates?
Was Jacko [Michael Jackson] innocent? I don’t know. I don’t know if he was. I like to believe he was. Michael Jackson f*king hated Steven Spielberg, so…this is what makes me think that Michael Jackson was probably innocent, because the media destroyed him. The medical industry destroyed him. He was just f*king destroyed by these pieces of shit, that just want to keep it going. They keep it going…
There’s some wedding pictures from Yarvo’s wedding. I mean they have a f*king pentagram like right on the thing it’s like that’s the thing. These people, they advertise everything with their symbols, like after Pizzagate hit and then that’s when I really began to pay attention.
I saw Clare and she had this leather jacket with a heart inside of heart. I’m like, ‘Why are you wearing that? That’s like a known pedophile symbol!”
So, Ian Black is “Tinder Pizza Guy”. I mean, it seems pretty obvious, you know. The codewords…
When and why did you first start following Q? Actually, I first started on Q on the day that it went up and I was on it the whole whole time…QAnon, I was on from the very beginning and I’ve been studying a lot of stuff for years and years and then the QAnon actually dropped information that I had never even heard of, so that’s why I was like oh this is legit.
I guess I’ll never work in this [town again]. You know, I don’t give a shit. I don’t, honestly. Honestly, I’m a more talented musician than I am an actor. I don’t care. I’ve already been blacklisted. They can’t double-blacklist me. They can try to kill me, you know. Good luck with that…
What do I know about Renegade? Bro. Renegade come out man. Not everyone in Hollywood is bad, right. There are a lot of decent people mmm a lot of people don’t even realize what’s actually going on and they’re just blind to it. I was blind to it. It took me like…smashing me in the f*king face before I was like, “Oh God, this sh*t is real.”
Hollywood – who is the boss top dog? I don’t know. Look, guys. It’s music. It’s film. It’s art. Look into Marina Abramovic. If you’re just getting started with this stuff, look into Marina Abramovic. Do some research. Nasty. She’s also tied in with Bronfman, from NXIVM and you should Google this. The media is totally blacking it out. The Mainstream Media but it’s “NXIVM”…
Is Oprah a pedophile? Well, let’s see. Hanx [Tom Hanks], Weinstein – I mean, the company she keeps, as rich as she is. I have a feeling she is very high-up in the cult – and make no mistake: This is a cult. There is a widespread cult that is worldwide and it’s f*king bad, Guys. It’s bad. It’s bad…
Everyone’s afraid. They’re afraid to come out. People that know, they don’t want to do it. It’s scary, guys. People get killed over this shit. It happens all the time. It happens all the time…
What was the situation that woke me up? Alright, so the situation that really, really, really, really woke me up – I mean, I knew I was when Pizzagate hit, I was researching on 4chan and so I was like, “Oh, wow, this is a problem.” But when it really, really hit me…was at Seth’s. We went over there and played Mafia, it’s a role-playing game that we play.
And at the end of the night, it was me, Seth and his brother-in-law. And Seth turned to me and opened up the secret bookshelf and he’s like, “This is where we keep the children.”
And I was like, I tried to just put it out of my mind but then, about a month later, because Seth, Clare and I were having a dinner at their house and Seth said, “We now need to have a talk about chicken.” And I was like, “Oh, God.” And then, he basically admitted that he’s a pedophile.
The boy at Paris’ [Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson]. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The boy at Paris’. There was a party over there – but guys, this is – I have a thread on the QAnon forum, if you want to just look at it…I don’t want to like hash over other stuff.
Do you know anyone who was murdered because of this? Not personally. Not personally but people are murdered for it.
It is so rampant. It is so, so, so bad. But watch for the symbolism, because these people out themselves with the symbols.
By the way. If any of our mutual friends circle, me, Seth, Clare and other people – that have been to their house: Did you ever notice when you walk right in, that there’s that that little yellow sign with a triangle and a circle in the middle? Like, that’s that’s a symbol…
Did I go to any Satanic parties? No, I didn’t. No, no, no, no, no. I never went to anything like that.
You need proof. Bro. I post this stuff on 8chan and the proof is in the pudding. If they’re lying, they can sue me and if I’m lying, they can sue me – let’s go into court. Do you know how many more people – because there are a lot of others.
Who does Dan Ferguson work for? “Ruh Roh!”
Sue me. I know it’s true he told me other people have the info. Think about how someone could capture all communications, everything digital – Dan Schneider. Oh my God, yes. Dan Schneider is, of course a pedophile.
Any dirt on Seth Rogen? No, I don’t have any dirt on Seth Rogen but we did smoke weed together, once in a hotel room.
Are parents aware? Oh, see, this is the most f*ked up thing. So, a lot of showbiz parents will knowingly give their kids to be abused, because they’ll be like, “Oh, well. We’ll get your kid roles and money and they take the money and then they just sell their kids. People sell their kids. They sell their kids for for money…
I want you to realize there’s a bigger system of control. There’s a bigger system of control that is at play and I want people to open their eyes to it, because people don’t want to believe – they can’t believe that something so evil is happening, like because most people are good.
Most people are good…this is not for people who know this stuff this is for people who are new to this and it’s shocking and it’s going to be painful and it’s going to be painful for a lot of mutual friends of mine and Seth and Clare’s. It’s shocking. It broke my heart. It broke my heart, because I love them.
What do we do to help expose this? You share it, you talk about it, you tell people, you get involved…People are waking up, like the media is just going apoplectic about – they’re just going absolutely bonkers and people are starting to be like, why are they freaking out so much, like “Donald Trump had two scoops of ice cream!” Why are people’s heads exploding?
It’s because they’re compromised! Stephen Colbert is a pedophile! Stephen Colbert and John Podesta are best buddies and if you don’t know who John Podesta is, do some research. Oh, absolutely disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
This is important: read the body language. Look into the eyes…if you have an idea that something is off, look at look at these people’s demeanor. They’re hiding things. It’s destroying them, because they didn’t think they would ever get caught. This has been going on for probably millennia. The people that have controlled all the wealth have been part of it – but they aren’t anymore.
The Rothschilds are getting f*ked as we speak. All their holdings worldwide there’s a lot of stuff happening. The media is not covering it you’re going to have to go outside of your normal habits and patterns and you’re gonna have to do research. The information is not easy to get. Twitter has been suppressing me. Twitter, YouTube, Google, Facebook, they’ve been suppressing this information.
They don’t want you, the people worldwide, they don’t want you to know what is up. They don’t want you to know. They want to keep you in the dark and they’re losing their control. They’re losing it – but at this point, they can’t do anything. They cannot do anything. It’s over.
The only thing that has to happen is that the people need to see what is going on. The people need to wake up. The people have the power. You have the power. You’ve just given it away. You’ve accepted what they’ve been giving you for so long that you need to wake up. You need to research, you need to get out of the mind state that the Mainstream Media is the arbiter of truth, because they’re not. The New York Times lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and then got us into the Iraq War. All they do is lie.
Look what they did to Michael. Look what they did to Michael. They destroyed him. And look at his music. His music is so uplifting for people but they destroyed him. They hate the light. They hate when people are connected and loving and that is why we’re going to burn these pieces of shit to the f*king ground. Straight up. It’s already happening.
Guys, compromised folks: it’s already done. It’s already done. You can redeem yourself and come clean. You can redeem yourself and come clean – but it’s already done. It’s already done. The indictments are in.
So, if you want to help out, just admit it. What bad is gonna happen? It’s already over. So why don’t you just come out? I know you’re scared but you know, it’s over, it’s done.
Obama? 100%! 100%! Google “Obama Wendy” and a picture should come up.
Kimmel? Oh yeah. You best f*king believe that Jimmy Kimmel is compromised. Frank Giustra best buddies. You guys, all of this stuff is interconnected. If you want to get into the club, if you want to make the money, if you want the fame, you have to basically sell your soul and then…the club is populated on the top…it’s all these people and they all have that a “little secret” and they just walked around, la de da with impunity, like “Oh, nobody knows! Nobody knows! and it’s so f*king funny to them!
With Seth, when you posted that sh*t, touring with the US Army – oh, man – I gotta say, man that was ballsy and kind of hilarious but the the picture with the Duper’s Delight. Oh, boy, you know, it’s a thrill for some people. It’s a thrill to hurt other people. That’s their thrill and it sucks that that’s the case but that’s the case. Some people are just sociopaths. Sociopathic liars.
Just looking at some of these comments. Yeah guys, look, this isn’t easy. This isn’t easy. Sure isn’t. All this is definitely not easy for me, you know but for America, it’s not easy either, because you’re like, “Oh! I love this person! I love this person!” Oh yeah and then it hits you and you’re like, “Oh my God!” and that’s what happened to me.
I love these people. I love these people. Then it hit me hit me. It hit me. It…I don’t even know how to you, know describe the devastation. It was it was awful.
Kevin. Yeah, let’s talk about Kevin Spacey. Let’s talk about Kevin Spacey. Everyone in Hollywood knew about Kevin Spacey. Everyone. Everyone knew but literally nothing happened. Nothing happened. No one said anything. Nothing happened. For how long? Years. And years and years and years and years and years and years. People still worked with him. They still took the money. They’re like, yeah take the money, because you know people want to survive and you know they want to make the money but nobody, nobody did anything.
Am I blacklisted? Yeah, I would assume so. I mean… I know they’re gonna go after me hard. They’re kind of in a shitty position, right now, though, because, people don’t know who I am, outside of here and a few circles. But the general public doesn’t know who I am, so they can’t attack me because it just gives me more publicity.
So, right now…they’re going with just trying to just keep it suppressed, keep it silent, keep it on the lo-pro. Twitter twitter deleting direct messages and even deleted someone’s account while I was talking to them. It’s madness.
What made me finally come out with it? It’s just something hit me. It hit me inside. Honestly, I felt this quickening hit me inside. I felt like the spirit of Paul Revere filled my body and I was like, “I have to go right now. I have to do this right now. I have to do it,” you know? It’s like, what have I got to lose…what do we got to lose? So, that’s why –
Thank you so much, for all the people that have reached out and given me support, because it means a lot and I hope I am inspiring other people to be bold and be brave.
Kathy Griffin. What do you think? Tyler [Shields], what do you think, is Kathy Griffin bought and paid for? Tyler…Tyler!
Am I still acting? No, I’m not really acting. Oh yeah to be honest. Well, I’m not even getting auditions but even when I was, everything I read was just trash – and that’s that’s another reason I’m doing this, because these people control content – and all content is sh*t! It sucks! They f*king – they ruined Star Wars! How dumb do you have to be to ruin Star Wars?
People don’t even care about Star Wars – that’s how much they ruin sh*t! So, now I haven’t been acting. I’ve been making art. I’m actually a carpenter. Hmm, I’ve been making art and recording music, which is something else I do…
Who do I fear the most? I’ll tell you who I fear the most is the Second Sun. When you die and you have to pass through and if you don’t – you know, not everyone gets to pass through…
20 unified a listers. I don’t you know, honestly. I don’t know that there are 20 A-listers that are are clean. I mean, I don’t know.
Why won’t Corey name names? I don’t know. Is Roseanne controlled? No. I don’t think she is…I think Roseanne definitely knows what’s up but you know it’s kind of like a pretty ballsy, crazy thing to just start calling these people out.
Like, I’m sure she has friends that you know that – or people she’s worked with – that – she knows. Everyone knows. Look, people know. People now but you, you the public needs to know.
Macaulay, well, I don’t know Macaulay’s involvement but I do know he was f*king brutalized as a child. I can’t even imagine I can’t even imagine. You’d have to ask him.
This is a thing. Man, like some of these people that have been in it their whole lives, just come forward, man, like for the good of America, you know, Like, for the good of the world, because this is worldwide! Look at England and Belgium.
England is -oh – so bad. England is so bad with this shit. I really feel for the English people, because their whole government is just – ugh, they cover up all sorts of trafficking of children. It’s bad.
No, I didn’t admit to being raped by my father. I was abused by my father. He never raped me but whatever, he was just very, very kind of ignorant, which, you know, we all make mistakes. I’ve gotten over it.
Ted Gunderson. Oh yeah. Ted Gunderson, definitely. Guys, I have been I have been studying this stuff forever…
Please spread the awareness; spread the awareness to other people you know, because that will build and build and build. If everyone knew what was going on, we could solve the problem literally today. If everybody knew, we could solve it literally today. But people don’t know. People are still under the spell. People still think CNN has something decent to say. People still think The New York Times has something decent to say. People still listen to Stephen Colbert.
We just we need you to do research and stop being lazy and expect the answers to be given to you, because they won’t. You have to look for it. I would suggest going on the QAnon boards, on the 8chan. There’s a lot of good information there and then you can kind of start to – once you see it, it snaps – you’re like, “This is ridiculous!” You just see.
Am I Mossad? No, no, no. I am unaffiliated with anybody. No one approached me. No one did anything I just on Saturday that I got that lightning bolt and then I drove down to San Diego [to Comic Con]. I have had some very, very good people reach out after I did that, so that’s good…
What about Dave Chappelle? I think he knows quite a bit. Why did he run away to Africa? Why was he so freaked-out? I mean, I would I would love for him to address that stuff.
Kanye? Why did they throw Kanye in an insane asylum, right after he called-out Facebook and Google and saying that they lied to you? Why did they throw him in an insane asylum and drug him for days? Why? It’s a it’s a good question. I wish he would address that, because you know we need voices we need bigger voices like people will listen to Kanye me you know I’m just some guy you know whatever Kanye has a way bigger platform. Dave Chappelle has a way bigger platform.
So, yeah, I know there’s good people out there. I hope that you can come forward, like help us, don’t be afraid. What are they gonna do? If everyone comes out at once? Oh, it’s over. You know, right now, there’s not too many people doing that sort of thing. Just people that disregard their personal safety a little bit.
Is Chris Pratt good? I don’t know. Is he good? I hope so. Has he said anything?
My house is pretty safe.
Cobain was murdered. Yeah. Cobain was murdered.
Chester [Bennington]. Talk about Chester. Look, just because a guy eats pizza on a show doesn’t mean they’re like – it doesn’t mean they’re bad, okay? A lot of people, they don’t even realize the symbolism, they just go along with it because, hey if we’re talking about the food, pizza, it’s really good and everyone loves pizza. So, you’re like hey, great, pizza!
Chris Cornell. I mean, looks pretty shady to me. Looks pretty shady to me.
Oh, yeah. I think Q will be proven 100%. Notice that no one – literally no one in the Mainstream Media has asked Trump about Q? Like who is Q? I mean, this is a guy, right supposedly that’s just like dropping all this information about national security secrets and worldwide but nobody, no reporter has said, “Hey what’s up with Q?” because that’s how controlled they are.
These people, New York Times, CNN, they’re media [prostitutes]. They’re literally [prostitutes] and they’re stupid and they do the bidding of whoever pays them. They’re not journalists. They’re not journalists, at all. They’re [prostitutes]. It’s a public relations, you know. They’re just trying to control your mind – and they they will admit it. They have admitted it on camera. They said, “That’s our job!” What’s her name, Brzezinski – Mika? She said, “It’s our job to tell people what to think.”
I don’t know if [John] Brennan surveilled me. Tyler [Shields] told me that Brennan surveilled me but a Tyler is a liar, so I don’t know.
Don’t worry about that code, guys [referring to possible dead man’s switch hashcode]. The people that know who that is know what that is. It’s, it’s good.
How involved is CIA? I don’t know. Ashton Kutcher tweeted a CIA picture today. CIA is definitely involved in drug trafficking. CIA has overthrown so many countries, they’ve interfered in elections. They suck. They f*king suck. JFK tried to break them up. JFK got murdered but I think that we’re going to see the CIA dismantled and scattered into the wind like a million pieces, like they should be.
Central Bank – yeah, guys if this stuff is new to you, please just you know do your due diligence as a citizen of this country and as a citizen of the world to put in the time to research and like figure out what’s going on.
“Proof! We need proof!” What do you need proof of? The proof is in the pudding. What, do you expect me to like have all the compromise? You expect me to have all the pictures. Come on! The proof is in the pudding. Sue me. If I’m lying, sue me, because these are like, pretty damning allegations that I’m making. These are pretty damning allegations. So, if I’m lying, sue me, alright?
How many women are involved? A lot. There’s a lot of women involved. There’s a looooot of women involved…Yeah, exactly, big defamation claims. If I’m lying, like this is like career-ending sh*t that I’m saying, so if I’m lying, let’s go to court. Let’s go to court. Let’s get discovery. Do you want discovery? Of course they don’t want discovery!
There’s this girl, Sarah Ruth Ashcraft on Twitter, who has been accusing Tom Hanks of raping her when she was 13. Her dad sold her to Tom Hanks. She’s been accusing him for months and months and months and months and months. He’s never addressed it. I think I saw a picture with her dad and Obama that she posted today.
So, if these people want to come clean, they should. You really should, guys. Because it’s happening, whether you want it to or not, where this whole thing is going down. So, why not help your friends and family who are in the crossfire. Think about them. I know you love them, so think about them.
Because what’s the worst that happens? You die? We all die. We all die. I might as well die doing something good than just keeping stupid lie going.
I’m gonna take off guys but spread this out. Get involved, start researching. I want everyone to wake up. I want you all the wake up and I love you all
Pervywood Documentary - The sick and twisted side of Hollywood being exposed. Those Who Yell The Loudest Have the Most to Hide
Complete Playlist on Roxytube
Complete Playlist on BitChute
Pervywood 1 Those Who Yell The Loudest Have the Most to Hide
PERVYWOOD 3 Pawns of the Elite
Pervywood 4 Documentary - Washington DC Deep-State Swamp
Pervywood 5 The Pedo Punisher
Pervywood 6: Royal Flush - Aug 29, 2020
PERVYWOOD 7: Disney's Demons - Sep 22, 2020
Pervywood 8 Total Disclosure
Pervywood 8 - Hall of Fate
Pervywood Alec Baldwin
====My Links=================
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 19, 2022
Compiled Wed. 19 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Wed. 18 Jan. 2022 Has Been Declared
Judy Note:
On Thurs. 20 Jan. under the US Military Manual Section 11.3, Military Law could be announced due to 2020 Election Fraud by a foreign power, the Chinese Communist Party. There was also expected to be a formal announcement that US would remain under Military Law until a new Presidential Election could be held (within 90 days).
2020 Election Fraud: Presidential Debate Commission Chief Held ‘Off-The-Record’ Meetings With Chinese Communist Propagandists:
Russia, US threaten Nuclear World War III over Ukraine. (A False Flag?)
All 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam and US Virgin Islands have activated their National Guards.
Trucker strike and winter storms have caused food shortages and power cuts in both the US and Canada.
Airlines have warned that the new C-Band 5G service, which will begin operating on Wednesday, could disable a significant number of wide-body aircraft, “potentially force tens of thousands of Americans to be abroad” and cause chaos on American flights. Thousands of flights to the US have been cancelled.
Since Jan. 2021 the US Capitol and White House have been hosting Military Tribunals and Executions of Political Elites for acts of Treason for working in tandem with the Chinese Communist Party and Mass Media to overthrow the US government and push poisonous vaccines and booster shots for the purpose of world depopulation.
The kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar – revalued overnight Sun.-Mon.
Military Law was expected across the globe.
A couple of days ago the UK Gov. issued studies showing the experimental Covid vaccinations reduced immunity, made people sick, caused permanent heart damage and made the person more susceptible to viruses.
On Mon.17 Jan. a UK doctor confessed, “Very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped. People don’t know it yet….it is not on the news.”
Does Tonga still exist? A second eruption of a Tongan volcano was said to be the “equivalent of 1000 Hiroshima bombs” and wiped out all communication to the island.
A. Tues. 18 Jan. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#
Some Tier 3 Bond Holders received word that they would get access to their funds on Wed. 19 Jan. and others were told it would be on Thurs. 20 Jan.
One source expected Tier 4B notification within the next 48 hours.
Military Law could start on Thurs. 20 Jan.
B. News Highlights for Tues. 18 Jan. 2022:
There have been Military Tribunals and Executions on global and political elites convicted of Treason in Corrupt DC since Jan. 2021.
The Trial for the Crimes Against Humanity has begun. The experimental spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of the Nuremberg Code. The penalty for Violation of the Nuremberg Code is death.
Common Law being enforced to launch investigations into Crimes Against Humanity. Police officers worldwide are being forced by law to turn against their criminal Government to protect the people.
The White House has been forever closed – Meetings in Las Vegas revealed everything in Feb. 2021:
Live feed of White House: Webcam Washington D.C. White House live | earthTV
Has Tonga been destroyed? World concerned as communications down after Second Eruption was recorded in the early hours of January 17.
‘The equivalent of 1000 Hiroshima bombs’: World watched a tremendous explosion in Tonga.
Tonga volcano eruption and tsunami: Invisible and toxic gas currently over the Pacific.
Confirmed! ALL 50 STATES, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam and US Virgin Islands have all ACTIVATED the National Guard.
Second Hillary Snuff Film Surfaces. During recent overnight raids of underground tunnels beneath the White House and the Capitol, a new 'Resting-Bitch-Face' Hillary Clinton snuff film has surfaced, this one said to be 100 times worse than Frazzledrip.
Sun. night 16 Jan, at 8 pm EST the Dinar went international at $22.00. By 11 pm EST the Dinar was trading up to $36.00 and could go up to $120.
On Mon. a Flash Flood submerged the Uruguay Capital of Montevideo and left an estimated 20,000 without power.
There was a Tsunami off the coast of Ecuador.
C. Thurs. 20 Jan Appeared to be a Significant Date, while Wed. 19 Jan. 2022 has been declared National Popcorn Day:
On Thurs. 20 Jan. and under the US Military Manual Section 11.3, Thurs. would be the end of occupation of foreign powers (Chinese Communist Party) in the US that have controlled US Illegitimate President Biden’s Administration since his fake Inauguration on Jan. 20 2021. There was also expected to be a formal announcement that US was under Martial Law until a new Presidential Election could be held (within 90 days).
Major catastrophe expected with airlines as 5G scheduled to go into effect on Wed. 19 Jan. and Thurs. 20 Jan.
US Government to address ramifications of Crypto currencies – already abandoned in other nations:
MarkZ Contacts in Middle East expected Bond monies released on Thurs. 20 Jan. More groups under NDAs were getting notification to immediately update their information in anticipation of a very soon liquidity release of monies in their accounts.
D. Act of War First Marker 11.3, Juan O Savin SS76 w/Juan O Savin-11.3 First Marker (
An Act of War: 11.3.2 in the DOD Law of War Manual “End of Occupation and Duration of GC Obligations,” was based on the International Codes of War from the Geneva Convention, which must be followed by all nations. Trump worked by the book, Law & Order. The fact that the Democrats joined forces with Communist China to steal the election and the Biden Administration went ahead and knowingly assumed power made them a Belligerent Occupier. This was an act of War.
Whiplash347: Military Operation the day before Law Of War Manual kicks in on Thurs. 20 Jan. 11.3.2
Why some QAnon believers think JFK Jr is still alive – and about to become vice president:
E. Airline Catastrophe Caused by 5G Looms on Thurs. 20 Jan. 2022:
Major Catastrophic Crisis Looms on Thurs. 20 Jan. When 5G Goes into Effect: Major American airlines are warning that 5G could block some planes and cause chaos. The heads of the largest American passenger and cargo airlines on Monday warned of an impending “catastrophic” crisis in aviation in less than 36 hours, when AT&T (T.N) and Verizon (VZ.N) will begin to deploy a new 5G service. Airlines have warned that the new C-Band 5G service, which will begin operating on Wednesday, could disable a significant number of wide-body aircraft, “potentially force tens of thousands of Americans to be abroad” and cause chaos on American flights. Executives of American Airlines (AAL.O), Delta Air Lines (DAL.N), United Airlines, Southwest Airlines (LUV.N) sent a letter to the White House stating that potential interference could affect sensitive aircraft instruments, such as altimeters, and significantly complicate operation in poor visibility conditions. Newsmax just said there were 17 flight systems on board aircraft that would be affected by 5G.
Foreign Airlines Begin Canceling Flights to U.S. Over 5G Interference Concerns; Data Companies Respond.
North America Snow Storm Cuts Power – Thousands of Flights Canceled. A major winter storm hit much of eastern North America over the weekend, causing thousands of flight cancellations and delaying over 8,000 in and out of the US alone. According to PowerOutage.US, more than 200,000 homes and businesses have suffered power cuts. Some states have declared emergencies and urged citizens to stay off the roads.
Winter storm: Snow and heavy winds on the way, more than 50 million under weather alerts across the East Coast:
Dubai’s Emirates suspends flights to several U.S. destinations on 5G concerns.
Delta: flight cancellations linked to 5G rollout possible on Wed. 19 Jan.:
US 5G Rollout throws flights into turmoil from Japan to Dubai.
Passengers Stuck at Sea After Norwegian Cancels Cruise Mid-Voyage Over COVID-19:
F. Worldwide Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages: In a quest for power and Depopulation the Cabal was deliberately creating food, fuel and goods shortages across the globe.
Canadian truckers have announced a full-scale nationwide strike, which will begin on January 23, yet were already blocking all lanes of traffic in and out of the US on Tues. 18 Jan. They openly declared that “the shelves of stores will be empty, there will be no food, and this will continue until the government cancels the mandates for mandatory vaccination.” In most supermarkets, food stocks remained on the shelves for about three days. At most gas stations, gasoline is in the tanks for about the same number of days. Hospitals are running out of bandages, sterile water and medicines. Municipal water supply companies have a supply of chlorine for only one week to clean municipal water sources. This is just a short list of the large-scale consequences of the truckers’ strike.
Canadian Grocery store closures loom amid labor, product shortages:
North Carolina Grocery Stores said to be near empty during massive storm.
G. Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Over 200,000 immigrants Caravan headed to U.S. Border, many armed and paid by the Cartels. The caravan had grown with more Mexico immigrants joining the caravan. The caravan is expected to come into Del Rio and Laredo Texas breaking into to two groups. Infiltrating boots in the group confirm the Haitians are armed. U.S. Veterans, retired Police and Militia have headed to the border armed. The Texas National Guard was fired upon by the Cartels last week. It’s being confirmed the Cartels have infiltrated the Caravan and armed and paid many of them.
The Taliban has announced the formation of an official “Suicide Bomber Battalion.” The battalion will become a full-fledged part of the new Afghan military, under the Ministry of Defense, and will be used in “special operations.” For 20 years of insurgency, the Taliban used suicide bombers to deadly effect against US and NATO forces, as well as against the Afghan govt. It recently rewarded the families of “martyrs” with houses and money.
BELARUS – Russian troops spotted in Gomel. “PEACEKEEPERS”
Israeli Ministry of Defense: two Hetz-3 anti-missiles successfully intercepted a training target outside the atmosphere.
Senior US Government officials have received intelligence also stating that Russia plans to take control of Ukraine’s capital. Russia was preparing for war and withdraws Russian embassy staff from Ukraine, closes missions and embassies.
H. International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels:
The International Court of Justice that ousted Pope Benedict in 2013 has dealt a blow to the COVID corporateocracy by convicting top officials from Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Communist China and the Vatican of Crimes Against Humanity.
The court’s ruling sentenced 75 individuals to life in prison, seized their assets and dissolved their companies, and lawfully banned the further manufacture, sale or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of medical genocide and mass murder.”
Following a four-month trial convened under international law, judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) today issued their historic verdict and sentence, as well as arrest and expropriation orders against the defendants.
Those sentenced include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, CEOs of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), “Queen” Elizabeth (Windsor) and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada .
According to the court’s Public Affairs Office.”This case is about a monstrous, generational crime and its equally massive cover-up. The highest officials of church, state, and corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited from the systematic torture, child trafficking, and murder of children in lethal drug testing experiments to produce the COVID “vaccine” as part of a criminal conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. This conspiracy murders innocent people, traffics in weapons, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
I. Judy Note: Since being formed after World War II by HW Bush, the CIA has conducted tortuous Mind Control Experiments on abandoned or kidnapped children (and at times produced their own) that included rape, torture and murder in Satanic rites.
The CIA has performed ongoing tortuous Mind Control experiments on humans since they were formed after World War II.A key ingredient to the experiments was a quest for power through the worship of their god Satan in the Satanic rites of rape, torture and murder.
What the news doesn’t report was that CIA subjects were mainly kidnapped or abandoned children. Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors have reported such, even in Congressional Hearings that have been covered up and erased from the Internet, with evidence and videos destroyed.
The reason children were targeted for Mind Control experimentation was because under the severe trauma of Satanic Ritual Abuse rape, torture and murder the developing brain of a child would permanently separate into multiple personalities – that as an adult could be accessed and controlled – unless the SRA Survivor had began the healing process and decided otherwise.
In 2017 the White Hats learned that the 13 Controlling Illuminati families were meeting in Venice and took the opportunity to get rid of them. Under the Illuminati families were the Vatican, British Royal Family and US Inc.
The British Royal Family were of Germanic Origin. They owned all global Intelligence agencies, including the CIA, Five Eyes and created the Mossad in Israel and Saudi Intel as well.
Using their Intel agencies they created World Wars, stole opium from the Middle East, Asian Wars Vietnam & Korea and supplied the Vatican Mafia’s with Opium to turn it into Heroin and supply the world. Their Intel Agencies created Terror Organizations, Terror Attacks & False Flag Attacks and participated in all kinds of Trafficking: Drugs, Children, Bombs or whatever else.
Of course, this was all about a quest for money and power. It was the German Bush/Scherff Family that created 9/11 attack on the USA to stop NESARA/GESARA and create another depopulating/ Opium and Oil controlling war.
Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild. When the war ended they smuggled he and 12000 Nazi’s to Argentina as part of Operation Paperclip.
The ‘BUSH” family was actually the Scherf family of Germany. George Bush Senior served in the German Navy and was smuggled along with a Nazi Assassin known to SRA Survivors as Dr. Green to the USA with the MK ULTRA Mind Control Program. HW Bush became the first director of the CIA.
After the War many Nazi Mind Control Experts were legally brought into the US on a pretension they could help in the Space Program with NASA – which was later used to drain extensive amounts of US Taxpayer dollars in a fake flight to the Moon.
Congressional Hearings on CIA Mind Control were a result of a classic case that was won by a SRA Survivor with the last name of McDonald, of the McDonald Hamburgers Clan.
The ingredients of McDonalds Hamburgers have recently been exposed as containing human remains – none of which was carried by the Mainstream News, even though after a FBI investigation in 2021 the franchise began gradually closing their stores across the world.
In 1974, the NY Times reported that the CIA conducted experiments on unsuspecting people under the names Artichoke and MK-ULTRA between 1953 and 1963, and possibly longer. The newspaper discovered that the CIA had developed effective brainwashing techniques. The head of the CIA of those years, Richard Helms, already in 1973, made a scandal, and then burned all the evidence. However, the stack of 90,000 documents was incorrectly framed and later it was found untouched. MK-ULTRA had branches in more than 150 subprojects with experiments in more than 80 hospitals and universities.
In November 2018 under President Trump, the NSA and Military Intel took control over the CIA and it’s partnered intelligence agencies CIA/Mossad and Five Eyes. For Australians ASIO was part of FVEY.
Trump also closed NASA and created a new branch of the Military with Space Force.
J. Jenny Hill was a CIA victim who witnessed a child sacrifice in a Satanic Rite on June 21 Summer Solstice 1965 in Garden Grove California. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” is her biography. Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
K. Covid/Vax Hoax:
Dr. Explains Dangers of Vax: “Very soon all of the vaccines will be completely stopped. People don’t know it yet….it is not on the news.”
UK Gov. issuing studies showing injections reducing immunity, making people sick, causes permanent heart damage and were more susceptible to viruses:
Officially Recorded in government documents 70% of the people in the UK who die have been double jabbed. That’s 7 out of 10 people. Remember This is a fact, not a conspiracy theory. If you’re double vaccinated and are thinking about getting that vile booster, congratulations you have been successfully brainwashed, and now is the time to start worrying.
A Hydra Parasite enters into blood through a Covid Vaccine. It waits to be fed by Graphen Oxide in booster shots. The round shapes are red blood cells.
Big Pharma, Government Leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections:
In Auckland five children collapsed in pharmacy after receiving the jab, the TV crew present refused to report it:
Mon. 17 Jan: Doctors confirm detection of the vaccine spike protein in a person who died after vaccination against Covid-19. The suspicion that the spike protein formed in the body as a result of the “vaccination” against Covid-19 could be responsible for the pathologically observed inflammations and lesions of vessels has now been confirmed immunohistologically for the first time. The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after “vaccination” and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced myocarditis. Detection was successful using an antibody specific for the spike protein by conventional immunohistochemistry on the tissue sections.
Melbourne, Australia: Three children died from vaccine in one day. Injecting of 5-11 year old started this week in Australia, along with the deaths. Status / Gab Social
The Mexican government is giving its citizens free Ivermectin in their covid kit. Maybe some of that common sense can make it’s way through the border?
Dr. Mary Bowden was suspended by Houston Methodist in November for spreading “dAnGErOus” misinformation about early treatments, has announced her lawsuit against the healthcare system. She’s seeking financial records, data on adverse reactions from the vaccine, breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated employees and mortality rates of those vaxxed. Press Conference:
L. Global Financial Crisis:
Switzerland’s National Bank (SNB) has approved a wide swath of transactions involving central bank digital currency, the country’s monetary authority announced.
M. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Over a million children have been rescued from DUMB Underground Tunnels in Australia. Tyrannical Australia has major DUMBS aka Deep Underground Military Bases that Intelligence Operatives use for Trafficking. After April last yr Melbourne went into its first major lockdown. Those same white tents were put up that they had in NY City at the same time as Comfort & Mercy were there (where they were pulling out children from Central Park and taking them to the Comfort Medical Ship in the NY Harbor). In Tyrannical Australia there were people driving at night taking videos of the explosions/booms they were hearing Tunnels getting hit with Tesla Rods Of God. They discovered a 1500km tunnel system used for trafficking. A Victorian MP shared the truth on her Instagram. She showed an Entry to one of the tunnels and said something else is really going on.
N. 2020 Election Fraud:
Presidential Debate Commission Chief Held ‘Off-The-Record’ Meetings With Chinese Communist Propagandists:
O. Fake Mass Media:
Fake News CNN has lost 90 percent of its audience and Biden is begging social media companies to stop “misinformation.” That’s what’s happening when Big Pharma like Pfizer is your biggest sponsor. People are seeing through it all and the plandemic continues to backfire in amazing ways. The Great Awakening is happening now! Who would have thought that when it comes out that sexual deviants and pedophiles have infested your news organization you lose your audience. Who would have thought that when you hide cures from the public and push fear porn 24/7 for corrupt pharmaceutical industries you lose your audience. QAnons are the news now and we are winning. Fake propaganda news network are losing.
P. Earthquakes, DUMBS and Underground Tunnels:
16.01. & 17.01.22 (manmade) Earth Quakes in Romania, Greece, Turkey and Mongolia – the Silk Road Highway to Hell Dumb Underground Tunnel Path.
Q+ Trump: War On Crimes Against Humanity! The Worldwide Covert Military Intelligence Sting Operation War Against Child Sex Trafficking: We are the enemy of Big Tech, Big Money and Big Media!
Q. Other Real News for Tues. 18 Jan:
The Vatican stole hundreds of books from the Bible and buried them. We will be getting all 777 stolen books of the Bible back.
The Ethiopian Bible is oldest and most complete on earth. Written in Ge’ez, an ancient dead language of Ethiopia, it’s nearly 800 years older than the King James Version and contains 81-88 books compared to 66.
The Lost Gospel of Q – The Sayings of Jesus – Version 2:
You will find every book under the sun for free downloaded here:
Black Americans Fleeing Democrat-Controlled New York, Commie California
R. From Whiplash347:
Chapter 11 – USA Corp, Vatican & City Of London are bankrupted. The 1871 Act Of England has been reversed. (Maritime Law to 1776 Common Law). People across the globe will be shocked at the 1st Arrest because the whole world has been under the English Justice System: Maritime Law, Crown, Gold Fringe on the US Flag. The removal/arrest of the nine Supreme Court Justices will trigger the Event.
Q & L Clearances are within the Top Secret Clearance, Q being the highest, L the lowest. Only NSA, DOE, DIA type personnel get the Q clearance. This is who is running the Operation. Co-joined with Law Enforcement linked to Trump Executive Orders 13818, 13848 & 13959. Global Military Alliance. They began flipping Saudi Arabia in 2012 silently that went full throttle in 2017. Started off as 17 countries military intelligences and now well over 150. It is all a Stage. All this Military stuff all seems real. Cover stories for cover stories.
10km Earthquakes are Tesla Kinetic Weapons the USAF have known as “Rods Of God.” They are designed to hit tunnels a.k.a Deep Underground Military Bases & also Nuclear Power Plants/Reactors.They hit with the force of a Nuclear Weapon but have no radiation/fall out. They cause minor Earth Quakes. See Iran Nuke Facilities Quakes. See that one in Communist China over the weekend RT news shared. Qinghai I think it was.
The first two Raids in 2019 on the Vatican. You can google this. Find all the deaths from there. This is why Rome had the most deaths at the start. Black Pope, Bishops/Cardinals. The White Pope is a Hologram. 50,000 + Troops descending on Rome March 17 2020 when Rona kicked off. Army vehicles in the streets, coffins. They shot all the Vatican Mafia. They chased the snakes away. The Spetznaz was also raided.
Vatican Raids that started in mid 2019 was a pre cursor to Operation Defender Europe March 17 2020 where 50k troops descended on Rome & a shootout began with Vatican Mafias. That is why the El Rona Count was kinda high in Italy at the start. Remember when Q said the Pope will have a Bad May. Was referring to the Black Pope “announced dead” in May 2020. Find that Q Post it was way before death. The Jesuit Superior General – the leader of the Illuminati.
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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 23 Feb. 2022
Compiled Wed. 23 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Global Currency Reset, Military Law, New Star Link Satellite System Incoming
Cabal, Mass Media Outgoing
Military is the Only Way.
Make sure you have stored: Food – enough for 3+ weeks, Water, Health Supplies (Medications etc), Cash, Batteries, Gun, Ammo and then Buckle Up.
My Country, ‘Tis of Thee – Mormon Tabernacle Choir – Bing video
Judy Note: The Global Currency Reset happened on Tues. 22 Feb. and Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) could be notified to set appointments at any time. It is my understanding we will be notified by email of a Secured Website. The Secured Website will be published on various Dinar websites and will be published in this newsletter. We go into that website, are identified as a valid currency or Zim holder, and then given an 800 number to call to make our redemption/ exchange appointment. This is true for everyone worldwide. Although, understand that this is just my understanding. The guidelines could be changed at any time.
A. Bruce:
This could go at any minute.
The rates are very, very good.
Bond Sellers do not yet have liquidity.
All Tier 1,2 banks have been qualified and were on board.
Iraq was released from Chapter 7,8 on Tues. 22 Feb.
Bond Sellers and Tier 4B would be notified at the same time and it was very possible that the notification could happen overnight tonight.
If so, we could start our appointments Wed. afternoon 23 Feb.
Redemption Center staff were fully staffed starting Wed. and for the next 12 days.
B. Headlines for Tues. 22 Feb. 2022:
On Tues. 22 Feb. morning the Rods of God and Energy Weapons (DEW) appeared to be used to blow up Oil and Gas refineries, Medical Vaccine factories and labs across the globe.
We were talking destruction of oil refineries in Romania, China, India, Taiwan, UK, Iran, Kuwait, Indonesia, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, two major US-Canadian fuel pipelines including the Colonial Pipeline supplying Michigan, Ohio, Ontario and Pennsylvania oil refineries that in turn supplied the US Midwest and Central Canada. There were oil refinery explosions in Texas, Louisiana, (more than 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has already been shut down because of Hurricane Ida) and refinery shutdowns along the US Gulf Coast.
Project Odin is Star Link Internet – it is the Emergency Broadcast System. Nothing Can Stop What Is. …Whiplash347
Planet Pluto Returned to America Tues. 22 Feb. 2022, as in 248 years ago on July 4 1776.
The Queen has been announced dead: Queen of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms, Queen Elizabeth II is dead, according to a tweet by RapTV on Twitter.
Child victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse called out pedophile Queen at Windsor Castle:
On Tues. 22 Feb. 2022 free money stopped. Bonds sell off to get off books. Seems all is lined up for scare event…stay safe.
There will be an incoming attack before the lights go off worldwide.
Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.
Something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems.
This was Project Odin and gave the reason to activate the Military EBS.
They are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks worldwide over the coming days and ending at Easter:
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off for the changeover to Tesla Free energy
34 Satan buildings & dams bombed
Bitcoin Servers turned off. 99.5% of Crypto gone Communist China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event and Nuke Sirens: There will a Fake Incoming Nuclear Missile and Cyber Attacks that turned into a Fake Nuclear World War III
All Iran’s Nuke sites have been hit with Rods of God already. This is just part of the end Fake WW3 Scenario.
There could also be a Water Event, Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law
The real number of the U.S. citizens rising against the government and Brain-Dead Biden regimen has reached 80%.
CNN: It is fake that there was a 48 % Biden approval rating. It is only 20%, and the 80% were not only Trump supporters. They were Biden voters who turned.
There were 40 million unregistered voters who were now becoming aware of False Narration through Fauci, the economy, false pandemic and other matters related to distrust.
The microchip shortage was more than you could fathom: cars, phones, computers, Smart TVs, Smart appliances, government weapons systems and other productions were coming to a standstill. Cargo ships across the world were halting. Millions of companies were cancelling orders because of chip shortages and couldn’t finish production. They must cancel the next projects and cease production. Cargo ships are backed up, warehouse storage full. Vaccine mandates in other countries were losing workers, drivers, delivery people. Layoffs have begun.
C. JFK Jr. has just launched the STORM. Follow him here and watch his “play”: It would be 22 years, 222 days from the date of JFK Jr.’s so-called “death” on 16 July 1999 to Tues. 22 Feb. 2022. So, what was set to happen on Freedom Day Tues. 2-22-2022?
On Tues. 22 Feb. 2022 the planet Pluto completed a full revolution for the first time since July 4, 1776, signaling the rebirth of Nations returning Power to the People.
That same Tuesday Durham Report exposures would likely begin to take a domino effect that included Child/ Human Trafficking truth tapes coming out.
That same Tuesday the USA Freedom Truck Convoy began.
That same Tuesday they said the biggest Stock Market crash in history begins. See: The Great Awakening World:
That same Tuesday, the Global Currency Reset would take over the global central banking system and 209 countries would have gold- and asset-backed currencies trading at a 1:1 ratio with each other.
That same Tuesday, Iraq, the linchpin of the Global Currency Reset, would announce its new international exchange rate for its dinar.
That same Tuesday, or perhaps by Wednesday 23 Feb. the general public would be able to exchange foreign currency at banks at the new international rates.
That same Tuesday announcement of the Queen’s death could set off a series of Events called Operation London Bridge: 3 days of Disclosure and 10 days of Darkness.
That same Tuesday a fake World War III could begin involving the US and Russia over the Ukraine.
That same Tuesday the Alliance could take over Mass Media with its new Star link Satellite System. Remember, Blackout Necessary.
That same Tuesday the Alliance could declare worldwide Martial Law.
That same Tuesday all 209 Sovereign Nations of the world could change to Constitutional/Common Law by The People with their gold/ asset-backed currencies revalued at a 1:1 with each other.
D. MarkZ:
On the bond side I have a number of folks that have appointments today. I do not know anyone with cash in their hands yet except for one over the weekend who got 1% of their funds. When they start paying all these historic settlements like farm claims, CMKX, Picford claims, and a bunch of other ones….they have to clear out these old debts and the books before the reset. It’s a way to track how close we are. Along with the bond payouts.
CMKX is the stock ticker for CMKM Diamonds. This is one of the largest settlements in World history. This is a court case and money is owed to the CMKX shareholders. The money is being held in a trust. The release of funds was tied to the Global Currency Reset. These funds are waiting to be gold backed so they can pay us. The naked short banks and US government illegally counterfeited shares of the stock and paid bribes to politicians and bankers for their own profit and against the CKMX shareholders. It was a real mess. We are owed this restitution as part of the settlements in the GCT. This is why we track it.
MarkZ’s Emergency numbers: (712) 770-5028 Code: 648989 Playback number (712) 770-5055 or 712-770-5066.
E. On the Ukraine Situation, Alexander Panin (courtesy of Charlie Ward):,,
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist. And we don’t know about it!!!
04/07/2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, the distribution of which in Ukrainian media and the Internet is banned. The conflict between the two countries was discussed at the session of the UN Security Council. From this, the following conclusion was drawn:
Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. The UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state.Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine.
According to the CIS Treaty, the territory of Ukraine is an administrative district of the USSR. Therefore, no one can be blamed for separatism and forcibly changing the borders of Ukraine. Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders.
In order to solve this problem, Ukraine needs to complete the demarcation of borders with neighboring countries and obtain the agreement of neighboring countries, including Russia, on their common border. It is required to document everything and sign treaties with all neighboring states.
The European Union has pledged its support to Ukraine on this important issue and has decided to provide all technical assistance. But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? No of course not. Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, and nobody has the right to be without them Russia’s consent to dispose of this area.
Basically, now all Russia has to do is declare that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an internal matter of Russia.
Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want!
According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, Ukraine has no borders. The state of Ukraine does not exist (and has never existed!).
F. Fellow Patriots, This entire remaining month could be called the week of the palindrome.
Expect the geopolitical drip, drip, drip of disclosure to turn into a massive flood. Big things are happening. You are ready!
WWG1WGA …Coach Jerry
G. Nick Fleming: Fresh Start for Iraq. Today the fact that Iraq is officially out of Chapter 7 has been verified with UN acknowledgement. This can only mean one thing, everything is settled with the World Court. This also means that Iraq will begin selling its Governments Bonds for serious infrastructure and humanitarian purposes on the world stage, with new ratings and attractive rates. It also means that the World Court and the UN, accept the new entity formed, the new Iraq. This entity has new ties with China, and with Russia. We can expect new Treaty Agreements to be shared. Congratulations for a very hopeful future for the Iraqi People! May you shine brightly and may you have 1,000 years of Peace and Prosperity! 1,000 years of Peace and Prosperity can only happen if Rothschild’s evil machine has been corralled and rendered dead. Today will tell the tale.
H. Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoys and peaceful demonstrators were protesting vaccine mandates that made no sense and resulted in a loss of individual freedom by overruling medical privacy on vaccines that neither prevented infection, reduced viral load, nor prevented transmission to others.
The mandates forced free citizens to inject into their own bodies experimental vaccines loaded with over 47 pathogens including HIV proteins, mRNA, Luciferise, human DNA, fetal tissues, animal DNA, monkey cells, liquid metals such as mercury and Graphene Oxide (nanotechs) – filament-like structures that grew inside the body and have recently been linked to major health problems including Cancer, AIDS, Blood Clots, Heart Attacks, Autism, Neurological Disorders, Sterility, Aborted Babies and death.
I. Tues. 22 Feb. Real News Headlines:
Spoiler Alert: The USA, Communist China & Russia are allies. We are working together to take down the Deep State/Cabal. Replacing the SWIFT fiat financial system controlled by criminals with a new decentralized asset backed currency controlled by #WeThePeople
BQQQQQQQM Breaking Report from former Blackrock employee: The global fiat currencies are about to fail! If this collapse is imminent, it just means one thing from my perspective. The RV is right around the corner. RV stands for the Re-Valuation of the current currencies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon. The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air. I can’t wait for this to happen. What an exciting time to be living in.
Meanwhile on the Stock Market, Oil booms as markets collapse amidst the Ukraine crisis.
Central Banks were now insolvent.
Truth Social – the Best Social Network is LIVE! Support our President Trump JOIN Here. Truth is incoming!!!
Corona pandemic has been found to be the result of genetic manipulation in a lab in Wuhan according to more than 45 scientists around (German) Professor Roland Wiesendanger.
The Center for Disease Control was spending $,5000 per shot to convince minorities to get CV-19 Vaccine Shot:
Bill Gates (Not a Scientist) just warned that Terrorists will release the next Bioweapon Attack. This actually means that Gates – NATO – UN – Rothschilds – Rockefellers – Vatican – World Banks Cabal Deep State were getting ready to release the next Bioweapon.
Brazillian president Bolsonaro promoted hydroxychloroquine for COVID, herd immunity to counter “pandemic”, made himself head and shoulder above other world leaders.
UK Snow forecast: Today Britain was facing a nationwide whiteout as storms unleash -12C big freeze.
Danger continues whilst the sheep are sleeping. Whilst Everyone is focusing on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Covid mandates are being released, governments worldwide were quietly extending emergency powers in the past 24hrs. We’re talking Martial Law
Canada is now under Martial Law:
US Remains under Martial Law:
Klaus Schwab admits he infiltrates governments to further the New World Order.
All private intelligence companies are being removed from existence. Ie Mossad/CIA & 5Eyes. Only intelligence staying is military. RE-READ the FIVEEYES Drops.
We are moving away from Oil, Gas & Fuel to Tesla Wireless Technology.
The bombing of Nuclear Reactors already done. Except 3GD
Rods of God cause Earthquakes.
Rods of God are Undetectable Tesla Tungsten Kinetic Weapons from the Sky designed for blowing Tunnels & Nuke Reactors. Hitting with the force of a Nuclear Weapon without the fallout.
J. Global Financial Crisis:
Oil booms as markets collapse amidst Ukraine crisis.
Spain: Tens of Thousands Go Broke in Spain after Investing in Solar. Approximately 62,000 citizens in Spain have gone bust, 17 years after the govt offered subsidies for investing in renewable energy.
The Central Banks are now insolvent.
Ukraine crisis: Five Russian banks and three high-net worth individuals targeted in UK sanctions on Moscow.
Ukraine Crisis Ripples Through World Markets From Stocks to Gold:
Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein announces Iraq’s exit from Chapter VII procedures:
K. Tues. 22 Feb. Earthquakes and Not So Natural Disasters: Rods of God, Energy Weapons taking out Underground Tunnels, DUMB, Oil Refineries Adrenochrome Factories: Expect weeks of gas shortages.
Rods of God for Deep Underground Military Bases aka DUMBS or Tunnels and Nuclear Reactors.
Designated Energy Weapon aka DEW for things like Snow White CIA Computers and BTC Servers, Oil & Gas refineries amongst many other things.
California: A 4.3 magnitude earthquake struck near Carson, California, shortly before 8 p.m. on Friday, shaking parts of Los Angeles The earthquake left the Marathon Petroleum refinery in Carson without power, causing it to flare excess gas, according to a spokesperson.
Oil Refineries: Link up all the Oil Refineries & Medical/Vaccine Factories/Labs being bombed or set alight. Look at India, Taiwan & UK:
Iran: Fire in oil refinery, West of Karun
HUGE FIRE at Kuwait’s Mina al-Ahmadi oil refinery injures several workers but output continues.
Fire at Indonesia’s Pertamina refinery complex extinguished:
Texas: Explosion at Exxon Mobil Plant in Texas – four reportedly injured.
Italy: A huge fire broke out at the Eni oil refinery in Livorno, Italy Tuesday.
Indonesia: Massive explosion at the Balongan oil refinery in Indonesia.
Tehran, May 01 (MNA) – Some news sources reported on Saturday morning that a fire had broken out at the oil refinery in port of Haifa.
Iran, Tehran: Shahid Tondguyan oil refinery in Tehran, Iran on fire.
UK’s second biggest oil refinery on the brink of collapse
The outage on the Colonial Pipeline could be exacerbated by a Michigan state order forcing Enbridge Inc.’s Line 5 pipeline — supplying oil to Michigan, Ohio, Ontario and Pennsylvania refineries — to shut down on Wednesday, which could further strain U.S. oil supply. Calgary-based Enbridge has vowed to defy the order and continue shipping oil through the line until forced to close by a court. Analysts believe shutting down Line 5 could cause higher fuel and propane prices in affected areas in the U.S. Midwest and Central Canada as well as potentially thousands of layoffs.
Potential for two major fuel pipeline shutdowns this week shows fragility of North America’s energy system:
Romania: Huge explosion at Romania’s largest oil refinery – two injured.
China: Potential Super Typhoon heading for major Chinese oil refineries – having already laid waste to Henan Province.
Iran: Fire in oil refinery, West of Karun
The Royal Dutch Shell Plc Convent refinery is seen Saturday, Aug. 28, in Convent, Louisiana, ahead of Hurricane Ida.
Gulf of Mexico: More than 95% of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico has been shut down because of Hurricane Ida, regulators said Sunday, indicating that the hurricane is significantly affecting energy supplies. Shell has a 268-km pipeline located right where our 3 HUMA [dead ships] are. Are [they] harvesting Adreno on HUMA and sending the chemical to the Bonny Offshore Terminal via F-39?
Russia’s Rosneft acquires Shell’s 37.5% stake in German refinery PCK Schwedt – Metro US:
Refinery shutdowns along the US Gulf Coast spooking the gasoline market:
Russia war fears: Bombshell as Scholz PULLS PLUG on £8.4bn Nord Stream 2 pipeline
Ukraine: A shell hit the #Luhansk power plant in Ukrainian controlled territory:
L. Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Ukraine: Putin orders Russian ‘peacekeepers’ into Ukraine, recognizes independence of separatist-held regions: RUSSIAN tanks are on the move after Vladimir Putin ordered ‘peacekeeping’ troops into Ukraine and recruited medics to prepare for “bloodshed”.
M. Biden Crime Family:
The Biden Crime Family took $3.5 million from Russia, cancelled the Keystone pipeline, then gave Putin the Nordstream pipeline. They shutdown US energy independence, abandoned Afghanistan in chaos, and created a foreign policy disaster in Ukraine — while Hunter vacuums up millions in foreign bribes for the “Big Guy”.
N. International Child Sex Trafficking: Pure Evil Satanic Cult, Pizza Gate and much more.
Globalists are Satanists:
The Swamp:,
Three Satanic Evil Headquarters:
Astana = Satan:
The Vatican Pedophile Adrenochrome Roman Empire:
End the silence and save our children. 21 million people worldwide are victims of human trafficking. An estimated 50% of these victims are children.
2.2 million children are sold into the sex trade each year. That’s over 4 children every minute! What are you going to do about it?
If you believe this is Fake News, you are part of the problem: Pizzagate, Spirit Cooking, Adrenochrome. We wish this would be Fake News too.
Pure Evil: Pedowood and the Elites:
Missing Children Each Year:
—Tyrannical Australia 20,000 missing children
—Canada 45,000 missing children
—Germany 100,000 missing children
—India 96,000 missing children
—Jamaica 2,000 missing children
—Russia 45,000 missing children
—Spain 20,000 missing children
—United Kingdom 112,000 missing children
—United States 460,000 missing children
— 900,000 missing children each year
Actual numbers are 8 million worldwide and 800,000 just in the USA – 1 every 40 seconds
McDonald’s Closing (at least) 200 Locations this year after human meat found in their products:
All McDonalds Across the Globe Ordered Closed after FBI Discovered they had been serving human meat. The closures also involved Cemex, Heinz, TerraMar’s Red Ruby Rings, Red Shoes and Keystone Foods, all used for disposing of dead bodies. Find all the McDonalds Restaurants shutdown since Covid. Use NY City, Kuta Bali, Victoria, South Tyrannical Australia as a Starting Point. Find all the Processed Meat Factories across the World that got Rona’d: Meat Pies, Sausage Rolls, Pasties & any other processed meats. Start with Greggs.
FBI finds remains of many people at McDonalds meat supplier:,
The Khazarians are the ones behind Mcdonalds. Now go find the TerraMar Project. The Submarine Operation Epstein/Maxwell group. That is where they collect the Jewels off the bottom of the Ocean.All those Children Tortured, Raped, Murdered & Eaten getting ground up & put inside the Jewels. See Those Red Jewel Rings they wear & The Red Shoe Club. Thats right Childrens Remains. See Cemex & Heinz too.
They are using CV-19 as an excuse to close McDonalds worldwide: Kuta Beach:
O. Freedom Convoys and Demonstrations:
New York: Happening now in front of the Canadian consulate. NYC activist show support for the people of Canada and have a dance party.
Truckers for Freedom in Utah now already 10 miles long!
USA Adelanto Truckers on their way to DC!
Tues. 22 Feb. Huge Freedom Demonstrations in Toronto Canada,
Ottawa Canada: The woman trampled by police horses in Ottawa is a clan leader of the Mohawk Nation. She is in the hospital with a dislocated shoulder but is otherwise ok. We owe her a debt of gratitude for being on the front line fighting for our freedom
American People’s Convoy to DC:
Canadians Rise Up Against Tyrant Trudeau: Canadians RISE UP Against TYRANT TRUDEAU!!! (
Videos of The Five rip Trudeau for freezing bank accounts
Trucker Allies for Freedom, Dundas, Ward:
Rock Star Singer Ted Nugent to Join Trucker Freedom Convoy to DC:
Freedom Convoy Protesters Chant to Interrupt Fake News MSNBC Live Report: ‘Freedom!’
The “People’s Convoy” in the USA starts Wed. 23 Feb. A statement from the organizers and the route of the protesting truckers’ convoy. Several convoys of American truckers are preparing for a mass protest against the tyrannical vaccination mandates against Covid-19. The organizers claim that 1,000 truckers are ready to take part “at the start”, but their number is likely to grow as they move from Commie California to the District of Columbia. After the announcement that the protest will not rely on large tech companies to raise funds, The People’s Convoy reports donations of more than $214,447 as of February 21. According to the Rasmussen Report published last week, most Americans say they would support a truckers’ protest in the US. The convoy will leave Commie California for Washington at 10:00 this Wednesday.
From the organizers: “This convoy is about freedom and unity: Truckers travel in a united front, regardless of party and state borders, with people of all colors and faiths – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Mormons, Agnostics, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, Republicans, Democrats. Everyone can take part, either by attending the launch meeting at 10:00 on Wednesday, February 23, at the Adelanto Stadium, or by getting into their cars and following the large drilling rigs from Adelanto to the east coast.
The message of the “People’s Convoy” is simple. The last 23 months of the Covid-19 pandemic have been an ordeal for all Americans: spiritually, emotionally, physically and, last but not least, financially. With the advent of a vaccine and effective therapeutics, as well as hard work in many sectors that has contributed to reducing the number of Covid-19 cases and the severity of the disease, it is time to reopen the country. The average American worker should be able to overcome the economic difficulties of the last two years and return to work so that he can pay rent and mortgages, help launch this economy. To that end, it’s time for elected officials to work with America’s blue-collar and white-collar workers and restore accountability and freedom by lifting all mandates and the state of emergency, as Covid-19 is now under control and Americans should return to work freely and without restrictions.”
Nepal police fire tear gas, water cannon and rubber bullets to disperse protest over US ‘gift’. Protestors angry at a proposed $500mn US aid grant apparently threatening their country’s sovereignty were targeted with tear gas and rubber bullets by police amidst violent clashes.
France: Thousands at the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris to pay their respects to Luc Montagnier, French biologist and virologist and Nobel laureate in medicine who spoke out against Covid “vaccination”, chants of “liberate.”
P. Covid/Vax Hoax:
Bill Gates (Not a Scientist) confirms “Mild Omicron is a type of vaccine”
The NY Times Admits Useless CDC data information on vaccines has been suppressed:
Emails Shine New Light on CDC-Fake-Fact-Checker Facebook COVID Collusion:
Pfizer’s Dirty Secret: U.K. Health Authorities Hide Death Rates Of Children:
The Covid-19 Vaccines cause AIDS: Official data published by the UK Health Security Agency is beginning to look terrible for those who have succumbed to three doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, with statistics showing the triple vaccinated are now up to three times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population. But a look back at previous statistics shows that this risk is increasing by the week, indicating the Covid-19 injections are damaging the natural immune system, and an analysis of the official UKHSA data strongly suggests most of the triple vaccinated population are just weeks away from developing full blown Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Corona pandemic is the result of genetic manipulation in a lab in Wuhan: “More than 45 scientists around (German) Professor Roland Wiesendanger have published a joint statement on gain-of-function research. Professor Roland Wiesendanger has recently attracted nationwide attention several times as the most prominent German representative of the laboratory hypothesis on the Corona origin. Wiesendanger believes that the Corona pandemic is the result of genetic manipulation in a lab in Wuhan – in the course of so-called gain-of-function research, viruses are artificially bred in such a way that they become more dangerous. In this “Hamburg Declaration”, the scientists want to avoid such risks for the future. They want to draw attention to a development “which has occurred in recent years as a result of new biotechnical procedures for modifying dangerous pathogens” “Gain-of-function experiment could prove fatal for substantial proportion of world’s population”
Scotland to end all Covid curbs – including wearing face masks – on March 21.
India’s drug regulators have effectively declined Pfizer’s COVID vaccine emergency use approval, citing an ongoing investigation into side effects reported in other countries. As a result, the vaccine won’t be available in the country.
Q. Cyber Attacks:
Jordan: Nearly 900 Cyber attacks Targeted Jordan in 2021. The kingdom’s Center for Cyber Security said it recorded 897 attacks in 2021, which were mostly aimed at “private and governmental targets.” (The New Arab) The attacks aimed to disrupt networks, steal data, spy, and exploit infrastructure to launch attacks on other entities, the nation’s top security agency said.
R. The Real News for Tues. 22 Feb. 2022:
Britain is warning of potential Cyber Attacks with international consequences.
Disclosure Part 1: Underground Tunnels 20,000 children in NY City
D.U.M.B.S, Underground War, Special Qperations:,
Kyle Rittenhouse announces he is launching The Media Accountability Project (
NOW – U.S. Capitol fence goes up again ahead of Biden’s State of the Union address.
In 2010, Brazil, Russia, India, Communist China and South Africa formed BRICS. In Chinese, BRICS = Gold Bricks-5, the foundation for the Global Currency Reset.
S. Tues. 22 Feb. News Briefs by QTSR
_FDA executive reveals truth about agency’s extremely close ties to Big Pharma in undercover video:
_U.S. is headed for its worst real estate crash in country’s history:
_VICTORY: Female Air Force officer becomes first to win injunction against covid jab mandate:
_Useless CDC finally admits, casually, that covid nasal “testing” swabs were used to sequence people’s genomes for analysis:
_Matthew Bracken tells Dr. Lee Merritt: Fight of Canadian truckers is a “FIGHT TO THE FINISH” against globalists:
_Putin: Ukraine Has Become A ‘Puppet Regime’ of NATO & the West:
_The Covid-19 Vaccines cause AIDS:
_Pfizer Investigation: Negligence, Fraud & Bribery; A day in the life of Pfizer:
_George Soros Has Ties to Group That Bailed Out Suspect in Attempted Murder of Mayoral Candidate:
_Pfizer Partnered With Wuhan-Linked Chinese Company Supplying ‘Military Combat’ Efforts.
_US to Announce Russia Sanctions on Tuesday After Putin Orders Troops Into Eastern Ukraine:
_How World Economic Forum infiltrates world governments:
T. Med Beds:
Remember POTUS saying all hospital equipment will be obsolete by the end of the year? No more Chemo, Radiation etc. Med beds, UV Light Therapies etc. Hospitals & Schools will be ripped apart. No need for medical research when you have 6000 cures handed to you, that Tesla had.
Anti Aging Beds:
U. Upcoming Events:
Israel Khazarians control the CCP.
The Israeli Mossad controls the world’s Media out of the US.
GESARA has been signed off by all countries at The Hague (International Court of Justice) 2019 & 2020
POTUS says all hospital equipment will be obsolete by the end of the year. No more Chemo, Radiation etc. Med beds, UV Light Therapies etc. Hospitals & Schools will be ripped apart. No need for medical research when you have 6000 cures handed to you, that Tesla had.
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via Military Courts
Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie
Revaluation of currencies
Project Odin as mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.
Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach.
Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Israeli intelligence – stand down. Media assets will be removed.
Starlink [17] seems to of tactically placed itself at the right time.
The WorldWide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.
34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.
This will surely make the Stock Market collapse. It is all a show, 99.5% of Crypto’s will be removed from existence with the event.
Swapping from Rothschilds Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)
Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Just before that Israel had that happen for 30 mins too. If they can turn 10 at once off all together. They can do the whole lot. Welcome to Tesla.
Blackout Necessary
Have a look at all the Global Military “Exercises” now being put in place.
Defender Europe 21 covering Europe & Africa.
Tyrannical Australia has one same time as Defender Europe. US just announced involvement.
Now they just have to play out a fake WW3 scenario to ring sirens in every National Military Command Center.
Gesara Military Law has been in place, as have the Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions, executions. The lot.
V. The Prophetic vision of George Washington, the Father of America: Recorded in the Library of Congress:
“I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said, “Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union.”
Washington was losing the war up to the point of this vision. Having foreseen the Victory in this Vision, he claimed the Victory, owned the Victory, and went on to glorious Victory, immediately crossing the Delaware River in the middle of winter, against the advice of his Generals, to rout the Hessians at Trenton without losing a man – a “miracle” foretold in this prophetic vision. “Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union.”
W. Must Watch Videos:
Mon. 22 Feb. Situation Update Video:
Scott McKay: Huge Updates With Ann Vandersteel (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
P. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
The Declaration of War, The Fall of Lucifer, The Fall of the Illuminati, Juan O Savin:
The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal, Part 17 Depopulation, Extinction Tool No. 10: Vaccination:
Mon. 22 Feb. 2022 Earth Quakes in Jujuy Argentina. Connect the dots: Hitler and the SS Nazis flew to Aregentina. The US Operation Paperclip Pategonia Argentina was one of the main bases of the Nazis:
Pedo Pope Francis was a SS member Jesuit from Argentina:
Hitler sold humanity, Adrenochrome, human flesh, organ harvesting to the Greys and Reptos in Exchange for Technology (Blackfleet/ UFOs, Tunnel Creating Machines/ Lasers etc) More quakes 10-1-2022
DUMBS and Tunnels:
X. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube Judy Note: YouTube has fixed these links so they don’t work. I suggest you goggle to connect to the link, or better yet use DuckDuckGo.
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
Y. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
Z. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300
Submit an anonymous tip
National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE):
Federal Human Trafficking Website:
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
Saving Innocence:
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000
EU Hotlines:
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:
Human Trafficking Help and Resources:
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline BBC Action Line
Z 1. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
Z 2. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy
====My Links=================
Shane's Playlists on Roxytube -
TShirts for Charity
Judy Note: The National Guard has been deployed in all 50 states; there were 350 military planes in constant movement around the US; the US Navy has cut off all communication between soldiers and their families; a ten foot high cement fence surrounded the White House (which has not been occupied since Trump left office and was surrounded by a eight foot high metal fence); because of a fraudulent 2020 Election, the Military took over at Biden’s Inauguration and now at the one year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party puppet Biden Administration’s illegitimate government, was about to overthrow the illegal government and implement Military Law until a new election could be held.
Head of the World Alliance Military General Flynn announced, “In the Next 24 Hours Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed.”
The self-appointed World Health Organization (WHO) owned by Gates and Communist China has suddenly reported that vaccination was not necessary and recommended lifting travel bans, while Sheriffs were issuing arrest warrants for Big Pharma CEO’s. The International Common Law Court of Justice in Canada and Brussels had ruled to shut down vaccinations worldwide after numerous studies showed the vaccines caused micro-clotting, heart attacks, cancer, development of an autoimmune disorder and other serious health risks.
On 1 Jan. 2022 the US Inc. was officially bankrupt, with the fiat US Dollar untradeable until a Global Currency Reset of 209 countries went gold/asset-backed, while the Kingpin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – has revalued, the others to soon follow with a 1:1 value to each other.
Lin Wood: “Stock up between now and September 11 on food, water and other essentials. We stop doing business with the tyrants on September 11. This is NOT a one day STRIKE on September 11. This is a STRIKE that we must be prepared to continue until we bring the tyrants to their knees. It will take courage and sacrifice. But courage is contagious and we must rely upon our communities to help alleviate any suffering of others. I believe our STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread across our nation. I believe our nation’s courage to STRIKE FOR FREEDOM will spread to the people in countries around the world. We can do this, Patriots. And there is more we can peacefully do. Stay with me.”
A. Currencies to revalue in the first basket of the Global Currency Reset: 1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. Communist China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly 20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan.
B. The Plan to Save the World:
C. Red Pill, Danielle Stotijn:
1. Imagine that We the People can escape financial slavery with a new financial monetary system, the QFS that was back upped by metal, XRP etc. Corrupt free. End of Swift. End of the FED. End of Bit Coin:
2. Imagine your TV and the media cannot be trusted but there will be an alternative soon: Project Odin:
3. Imagine all global corruption and fraud was organized, conspired and real. Imagine even the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented to have you, “good citizen” push against it.
4. Imagine this fraud has been going on for centuries. We call it religion.
5. Imagine this fraud became organized and evolved. We call it politics. They even had their own playbook – the Deep State Playbook.
6. Now open your Mind and let it sink in. It was always about Global and Human control and never, ever about your benefit, health, soul, family, talent or world peace. You and I were puppets on strings. In a world were evil exists on a level you cannot imagine.
7. Now expand even further. What if the turning of this evil elite game has started years ago? What if the FED has lost control? What if the end of slavery is truly here.
8. What if Starlink is already up and ready for the Reset of the world.–raMs
9. What if Covid was the turning point and the roll out of the plan changed from black to white? Staged to liberate the planet.
10. The Plan to Save the World:
D. What we think we know as of Sat. 22 Jan. 2022:
Something really big is coming! On Thurs. 20 Jan. there were 350 military planes moving around the US and the ten foot high cement fence surrounding the White House had been completed.
On Thurs. 20 Jan. Head of the World Alliance Military General Flynn said, “In the Next 24 Hours Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed.”
Thurs. 20 Jan. marks the one year anniversary of the Biden Administration acting as a puppet US government for the Chinese Communist Party – an occupying foreign power holding control of the White House in the foreign occupied territory of Corrupt DC via election fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
According to the US Law of War Manual Section 11.3 an illegitimate government can be in power for a year before the military could lawfully remove them. That deadline was Fri. 21 Jan.
On Thurs. 20 Jan. the US Navy cut off all communication between soldiers and their families.
On Thurs. 20 Jan. Solar Storms headed in Earth’s direction as fears grew of a “big flare” that could wreak havoc and spark blackouts across the world.
On Thurs. 20 Jan. the self-appointed World Health Organization (WHO) owned by Gates and Communist China reported that vaccination was not necessary, recommended lifting travel bans.
On Thurs. 20 Jan. Sheriffs were issuing warrants for arrest on Big Pharma CEO’s after the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels ruled to shut down vaccinations worldwide.
On Fri. 21 Jan. Trump launched his Social Media site “Truth Social,” with Devin Nunes as CEO.
QFS Quantum Financial System vs. SWIFT Financial System. NESARA & the Value of Gold, Value of Money. Dr Scott Young (20 min. mark). The Reversal of 1871 Act of England is massive.
Do Anons understand what is about to be unleased? The Internet is being replaced by New Quantum Internet. See the Starlink Rocket Launches. Alpha & Beta versions. Alpha is 10,000 times as fast. Beta is about 7,500 + times as fast and ready to go. The Internet needs to be wiped of Operation Mockingbird. All new platforms are coming.
Starlink Satellite System and the Quantum Internet (Project Odin):
Quantum Starlink is going to control many new systems on this Planet. All the old will be gone very shortly. This is how we get New Internet, Free Energy, Med Beds, new Voting Systems. Your Quantum ISO coins. The Power to whole entire World will switch off briefly like Q64 says. In late December they started testing. Israel was switched off for 30 mins. Then in January they tested by turning 10 Countries off at once.
U.S. Inc. is a corporation – a privately owned company that has nothing to do with the United States of America. Washington, D.C. is a foreign corporation, and it is not a State. It’s not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. It is where the foreign U.S. Corporation is headquartered with its own laws. The United States of America – The Republic was founded in 1776, and the United States the Corporation was formed in 1871. Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States in 1871 when the corporation was formed. Funny, his first two initials are U.S. A U.S. citizen is an employee of the United States Corporation, which is a business. The word “citizen” means “employee” according to the laws of the United States Corporation.
Project Veritas released this leaked video of Zuckerberg speaking to his staff about the ‘vaccines’ several months ago. It’s still very relevant. Anyone saying what he’s saying on FB would be immediately censored and de-platformed.
Mandatory Chinese Olympics app has ‘devastating’ encryption flaw. An app all attendees of the upcoming Beijing Olympics must use has encryption flaws that could allow personal information to be accessed.
White Hats: Durham – more indictments coming. It’s the Storm of the Century. In the end the world pedophilia that control world governments and organizations will fall. Exposure of the Satanic Occult Deep State that created the virus and vaccines is happening. Epstein connects the puzzle: Gates – Hillary – Obama – Hollywood and World Elites – World Deep State Governments Crash. …Q
CV/Vax Mandate Protests: Never in the history of Germany have there been more widespread protests than in these weeks. On the same day, protests against Covid restrictions took place in more than 1,000 locations nationwide. And the phenomenon is growing week by week.
Names exposed Thurs. in Maxwell Case, the woman who ran the world pedophile Ring: JP Morgan, Richard Branson, Andrew Como, Al Gore, Lynn Dee Rothschild.
England is scrapping the covid passports and the Czech Republic decided it will not require mandatory vaccination.
E. Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:
Human fetus cells in food products have been exposed.
Red Bull drink tests positive for Covid-19:
The FDA and FBI were doing investigations on McDonalds Fast Food (a big name in the Illuminati) meat preparation plants where so far 90% of the plants in the US were found to have meat containing human DNA and body parts of children. A separate inspection a few years ago in a Chinese McDonalds plant found the same.
Biden Causing Price Increases R.E.M. – It’s The End Of The World As We Know It:
F. Covid/Vax Hoax:
Microscopic images of the contents of the Comirnaty Pfizer vaccine. Identification of graphene, self-assembly and microtechnology. “After evaporation of a Pfizer sample in just one drop from a Pfizer vial analyzed with a HAXON AQUILES II microscope with magnification of the order from 600X to 1400X, clearer and clearer bodies of several tens of microns in size appear. Graphene, also found in Pfizer’s vaccine, amplifies the gigahertz signal of mobile telephony to the order of THz for the operation of these nano- and micro devices.”
New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths):
Dr Rochagné Kilian – Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels. Emergency Medicine Specialist Dr. Rochagné Kilian blows the whistle on the concerning rise in D-dimer levels in patients after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. This detailed, well-referenced video explains the phenomenon of micro-clotting, and why this demonstrates the likely development of an autoimmune disorder.
Young girl at a School Board meeting: “Thank you for teaching students that our own mental health is much less important than making triple vaccinated adults feel safe. Thank you for teaching us that we should never question authority or think, critically.”
Federal judge in Texas issues a nationwide injunction blocking Biden’s vaccine mandate for federal employees.
In the 1918 “Spanish Flu” epidemic, only the vaccinated died. In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported. The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft. Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.
G. International Child Sex Trafficking:
UNDERGROUND BASES – SECTION 1 35,927 Children Rescued From Giant, Thermonuclear Blasted Underground Facility in California:
Epstein Lawyer Request to Managers of Pedophile Island:
Oprah Winfrey and her best friend John of God: Pretty sure NSA caught Oprah Winfrey & Epstein ordering Cement Trucks to fill in the two tunnels below their two islands that contained Adrenochrome Torture Dungeons.
H. Global Financial Crisis:
Markets Are “Sea Of Red” Amid “Total Meltdown In Anything Tech And Pandemic Winners:
Single stock options worth $1.2 trillion set to expire – Options Solutions:
NASDAQ 100 Falls 0.8% – Heading for worst week in almost two years.
Rumors that El Salvador is filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and will be liquidating their entire country.
Bitcoin tumbles as crypto currencies continue their downward slump.
I. Earthquakes, DUMBS and Tunnels:
EXPLOSIONS in Berlin 21.01.2022 00:20 Uhr Charlottenburg Westend
Blowing DUMBS 334: Earthquakes in the last 10 days in Europe but mainly Iran, Iraq etc, floods in Tyrannical Australia 3-4 weeks ago, now Europe is flooded. Don’t tell me nothing is happening. The tunnels are gone folks, returned to nature.
Just In: Magnitude 6.6 earthquake strikes off the coast of Japan.
Thurs. 20 Jan. 2022 Earthquakes in Switzerland and south Germany. Cern – the gateway to Hell:
J. Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Secretary of State Antony Blinken heads to Ukraine as potential Russian invasion looms:
Republican congressional leader warns Russia will invade Ukraine ‘in the next month’:
Russia deployed the largest naval and amphibious grouping to the Black Sea in April since the fall of the Soviet Union with 4 large landing ships from the Northern and Baltic Fleets. It appears they’re about to deploy even more this time. A Flotilla of Russian Landing Ships has entered the English Channel. Evidence mounts that the six landing ships are ultimately headed toward the Black Sea and possible action against Ukraine.
UK sends 30 elite troops and 2,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine.
U.S. Navy set up Red Sea Threat Taskforce, flying drones out of Aqaba, ‘using AI’ to detect incoming naval/desert threats. Israel involved.
WAR GAMES’ Iran, Russia and China began on Friday naval and air drills in the Indian Ocean, seeking to counter “maritime piracy.”
Newsweek: North Korea says US hostility has reached Danger Line and can no longer be ignored.
Just in: Nearly 40 Islamic State group fighters were killed in fierce clashes with Kurdish security forces following a jihadist attack on a prison in northeastern Syria.
Jen Psaki: WH administration has notified Congress of the US’ intent to deliver Mi-17 helicopters to Ukraine.
K. Biden Crime:
D.U.M.B.S Main Routes: When you think of Ukraine, remember that Joe and Hunter Bidan have holdings there that are next to Eastern Europe’s second longest tunnel systems through which drugs, weapons, children, people and Adrenochrome are smuggled. Odessa (Ukraine) -> Belarus -> Lithuania -> Latvia -> Estonia -> Finland -> Sweden. Now do you know why Brain-Dead Biden owns land there? 32,000 miles of D.U.M.B.S tunnels. A world under your feet. “Draining the swamp” is not a buzzword. It’s a military operation. “Drain the swamp.” Flood the tunnels, end human trafficking.
Hunter Biden’s firm invested in a Chinese company linked to Communist Party:
So if the Dems want to question DJT & his children, why aren’t they questioning Biden & his children???
Biden Crime Family & Obama Administration:
RICO: Biden family, Bribery, Ukraine:
Hunter’s firm helped Communist China control of electric-car mineral:
Hunter Biden: evidence of media corruption:
Liberal Democrat Communist Playbook:
The website tracks atypical activities on the financial market. The operators found out: Numerous U.S. Senators invested big in infrastructure company stocks just before JOE BIDEN unveiled his $1.2 BILLION infrastructure plan. American taxpayers’ money is now ending up in the pockets of their elected representatives via insider trading. It is still unclear whether the operation will be prosecuted.
L. 2020 Election Fraud:
Elections Expert Reveals Over 550,000 Registered Voters In Wisconsin Have a Registration Date of 1/1/1918:
M. Protests of Fri. 21 Jan.
Huge crowd marching in DC against abortion. I’m hearing 250k people.
French Nationalists beat down Antifa at Protest against Vaccine Passports.
Protests in Netherlands, Germany
N. Med Beds
Anti Aging MedBed Technology Baxter Bio Med Beds Proven Technologies:
O. The People vs. the Deep State according to Benjamin Fulford January 17, 2022:
The US military’s DARPA program released bombshell evidence the vaccine and fake pandemic was “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels.” The newly released military documents contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath.
“Hackers broke into all of the pharmaceutical companies and stole all the medical data on vaccines. The hack revealed that some vaccine batches were 50 times more deadly than others. This supports the idea that insiders were given placebos or safe vaccines while “undesirables” were being deliberately poisoned.
“No laboratories around the world have proven the existence of Covid 19 which means the worlds’ civilian governments have been in high treason for two years.
Nanobots from vaccines connect the human brain’s neocortex to a ‘synthetic neocortex’ in the cloud. The nanobots then provided direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells.
The Haarp array in Norway that was causing the La Palma volcano in the Atlantic to erupt was taken out by British Special Forces, according to an MI6 source of Ben Fulford. The La Palma volcano has stopped erupting, meaning the East Coast of the United States was no longer being threatened with a 100-meter tsunami.
Young ARMY soldiers will be battling ‘seasoned freedom fighters’ across two dozen North Carolina counties in a two-week ‘guerrilla warfare exercise’ where they attempt to overthrow an ‘ ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT’
NSA sources say “US Naval HQ shaped like a swastika has been flooded and connections to NAZIs destroyed.”
There was a massive volcanic eruption in Tonga. Tonga has some Chinese-owned tunnels and deep submarine access thanks to the deep waters that surround the shallow coral shoreline. They have been destroyed.
A senior Russian FSB source said, “We do not want to rule Ukraine, we just want to remove the fascists installed by UN agents like Victoria Nuland.”
The FSB and Russians view the UN as their real enemy and the fake Biden administration as UN proxies, according to the source.
“Russia is trying to rebuild the USSR. The UN is trying to put military all around Russia and support color revolutions. However, when the UN tries to destabilize they are not doing anything new, they have been repeating the same thing for 20 or 25 years so now we know how to stop them.”
Russia is perfectly entitled to seize Ukraine by law. Ukraine is nothing more than a money-laundering operation.
The removal of Prince Andrew opened naval intelligence files showing there were 16 biochemical warfare plants being run by the Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazis were also actively assassinating all political opponents in Ukraine, CIA sources note.
On Friday evening, a Russian nuclear Submarine surfaced off the coast of Norfolk, VA. The sub has 16 Bulava Missiles, each equipped with ten independent nuclear warheads. At the same time, Russia sent amphibious assault ships Sweden’s coast.
The FSB source says a deal has been reached with the US and Chinese military to take on the real source of the problem -which they think is the UN. “The entire idea of the UN is outdated. It is not a unity of countries. It is pushing the rules of only one country (the Deep State).
P. Must See Videos and Updates:
Fri. 21 Jan. Situation Update:
End of Pandemic:
Planet Lockdown the Quackery unveiled:
The New World Order:
Change effected on the commercial level
Peace and Consortium of Member States:
Mr. Alex Azar, DEFENDANT
Dr. Anthony Fauci, DEFENDANT
Dr. Peter Daszak, DEFENDANT
Dr. Ralph Baric, DEFENDANT
Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 2331 §§ 802 – Acts of Domestic Terrorism resulting in death of American Citizens
Count 2: 18 USC $ 2339- Conspiring to Commit Acts of Terrorism
Count 3. 15 U.S.C. $1-3 – Conspiring to criminal commercial activity
Count 4. 18 USC $ 175 – Funding and Creating a Biological Weapon
Count 5. 15 U.S.C. §8 – Market manipulation and allocation
Count 6. 18 U.S.C. § 1001 – Lying to Congress
Count 7. 15 U.S.C. § 19 – Interlocking directorates
Count 8. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy
Supreme Court Action:
Attorney General Document:
R. SWIFT to GCR, Danielle Stotijn.
We are about to make the switch from the Deep State’s Federal Reserve SWIFT System of fiat dollars, Bitcoin and unregulated crypto to the Quantum Financial System of Ripple, XRP asset-backed ISO. That currency will be XRP.
XRP was always going to be the new currency of the financial world because of it’s blockchain technology which by the way, fare outs the technology of Bitcoin. Not only that, XRP will be a corrupt free currency because it is regulated and backed by Gold.
Bitcoin lacks the technology, the regulation and is backed by nothing. This is the reason it became decentralized but also the most corrupted evil dirty laundry crypto of the dark cabal world.
It was the ideal way for Cabal, Mafia and all puppets of the evil world to cover trails of human trafficking, drugs, Adrenochrome, political weapon deals and so on and so on.
The QFS will end the times of the FED controlling the financial world via the SWIFT banking system and Rothshild Cabal practices that creaated money out of thin air, while holding all Gold in the tunnels of the elite underworld and as people died. There is enough gold on this planet to feed the whole world easily.
The military operation Q was the plan to end all evil and bring the Gold back to the people. End all slavery and corrupt systems that supported the elite.
This is the fall of the Cabal. The cabal is over. The Fed is dead. SWIFT is history. And so will all non regulated crypto’s be very soon. Gold and Silver will return to the people on the QFS. XRP will be backed by Gold. XLM will be backed by Silver.
S. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
T. Judy Note on Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations at the request of brave Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor-victim witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
U. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE):
Federal Human Trafficking Website:
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
Saving Innocence:
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000
EU Hotlines:
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:
Human Trafficking Help and Resources:
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline BBC Action Line
V. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 21, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 20, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 20, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 19, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 19, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 18, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 17, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 17, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 16, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 15, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 14, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 14, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 13, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR as of January 13, 2022
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of January 12, 2022
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 12, 2022
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T-shirts Plus [All Proceeds to Help Victims of Human Trafficking]
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Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 6, 2022
Posted on March 5, 2022 by Constitutional Nobody
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 6 March 2022
Compiled Sun. 6 March 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.
Trust the Plan
TRUTH: It’s the new Hate Speech
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.
…George Orwell
A Lie doesn’t become Truth
Wrong doesn’t become Right
And Evil doesn’t become Good
Just because it’ accepted by the Majority
…Booker T. Washington
In God We Trust, while Government, eh… not so much.
Memorial Day: Promise of Liberty (5/30/2021) | Music & The Spoken Word – Bing video
“Let Him,” Hinge Point:
Judy Note: On Sat. 5 March as the Global Currency Reset redemption process began, the five BRICS nations that began the reset back in 2018 when the Cabal went bankrupt, were in the process of making gold mining deals with various nations.
UK Scientists revealed that Graphene Particles were in the Covid Vaccines, while data Pfizer was court ordered to release showed a 3% mortality rate for the vaccines, which was 12 times the Covid death rate. As protests against vaccine mandates continued in Canada and France and a day after Congress passed a no mandate bill, a 60 mile long US Freedom Convoy began arriving in a complete ghost town of a Corrupt DC with empty streets, no lights on, government agencies closed for business and a wall around the White House.
Speaking of food, sanctions against Russia resulted in Putin banning the export of fertilizers, while Hungary, one of the richest grain countries in Europe, announced that it would ban all grain exports – thereby creating an international food crisis.
A. Global Currency Reset:
Both MarkZ and an unconfirmed report supposedly from Charlie Ward have confirmed that the redemption of Financial Instruments has begun.
Mark Z: Late Sun. night 6 March, or very early Mon. morning 7 March the new financial system would begin with Church groups, SKRs, Bond money, CMKX, PPs and Adjudicated Settlements starting to process.
Charlie Ward Show with Michael Rubins: The below intel came from two gold brokers in Portugal, one of whom holds a significant amount of the biggest Dragon Note contracts in the world. They both talk to Michael Rubins on a daily basis. (Judy Note: The below was sent to me, but I could not find a video link. I have yet to confirm with Charlie Ward that this came from him)
Sat. 5 March: The redemption of Financial Instruments Has Begun. The global launch of funds has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the start of the global asset redemption program.
Wells Fargo Bank has received the Federal Reserve Codes for Republic accessibility to funds.
The world now expects Communist China to announce its gold holdings in Beijing sometime after 12:01 am CST (midnight EDT) Sun. morning 5 March.
This law will give the Chinese Yuan full access to the IMF’s basket of global reserve currencies, known as SDRs (Special Drawing Rights), replacing the USD as the most influential global currency in the world.
This subtle press release will automatically invoke the gold standard embodied in the UN Paris Agreement (because it is expected to be ratified simultaneously) and initiate our final disclosure protocols for the global currency redefinition / Republic currency revaluation of the USN.
At 2:00 am EDT Sun. 6 March all Reno subgroup leaders are expected to have 100% access to their newly renewed USN accounts for immediate payout. This includes the Admiral’s Group.
Wells Fargo and Abbot Downing were informed that sometime later would be an 800# release authorization, which initiates their off-site location of 7,000 privately traded exchanges (PNEs).
Chosen Ones (COs) were expected to start showing up for appointments anytime at or after 3:00 am EDT Sun. 6 March.
CO refunds will last at least 6.2 days and maybe longer (book your timeslots ASAP).
Yes, ZIM’s rates are really as high as expected.
On Sun. 6 March they will focus on down-streaming for payers, including Tier 4B.
The Department of Defense has mandated that the Tier 4B security codes be completed by Thurs. 10 March.
Sat. morning 5 March MarkZ: Late last night Fri. 4 March two different large church groups heard that as of late Sun. night 6 March, or very early Mon. morning 7 March they will start processing SKR’s. This means Bond money would also move Sun. night 6 March or early Mon. morning 7 March. CMKX, PP’s, and Adjudicated Settlements also expected to start about the 6th and 7th. The new financial system would be starting March 6th or 7th.
B. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Kirstie Alley to expose Hollywood celebrities!
John & Tony Podesta’s Father is a Rockefeller. Podesta’s & Ghislaine Maxwell were the ones who abducted Madeleine McCann hence why that story has resurfaced.
The Silent Children Promo Documentary, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Anthony Bourdain, Avicii:
C. Global Food, Fuel and Goods Crises:
“Food crisis is inevitable: Hungary immediately imposes a ban on grain exports. Those who have it no longer give it away, and those who don’t will soon find themselves in the middle of an epic food crisis. Just a few hours after Russia effectively banned the export of fertilizers, Hungary, one of the richest grain countries in Europe, saddled the wagons and, realizing which way the wind was blowing, announced that it would ban all grain exports with immediate effect.”
D. Protests Against Vaccine Mandates and US Freedom Truckers:
France: A protest against the vaccine passport is ongoing in Paris. One journalist has been injured by a riot police’s truncheon blow.
France: Paris – Anti Macron protests against exploding inflation and Covid restrictions/ health pass.
Canada: Some freedom protesters have returned to Ottawa. Here they are forming a “human chain” in front of Parliament in support of convoy organizers that are still in jail. We need everyone there.
Canada: The Fight for a Free and Just Society Is Not Over in Lévis, Quebec, Canada.
Convoy Of Truckers Arrive At Final Staging Area Before Push To D.C. Region. At least 1,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ vehicles converged at a speedway in Hagerstown, Maryland.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised—The People’s Convoy Is Stretching Over 60 Miles Long:
Convoy to arrive to an empty DC: D.C. has been, and remains a complete ghost town. No lights on, empty streets and a wall around the White House. Our government agencies are closed for business and not operating.
Senate votes to end Covid 19 Emergency Declaration the day before US Truckers for Freedom arrive in Washington DC:
Indiana: Americans for Freedom rally in Indianapolis, Indiana.
E. Covid/Vax Hoax:
Dr. Carrie MadeJ Explains How to Detox from the Vaccine:
UK Scientists reveal through independent study findings that Graphene particles are in the Covid Vaccines.
Thomas Renz: “I Wanna Know Who’s Going to Jail for Murder First.” The data Pfizer was forced to release showed a 3% mortality rate for the vaccines, which is 12 times the COVID death rate.
F. The Cabal’s DUMBS and Underground Tunnels used for international Child Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome Production and drug, gun runing:
Australia: Strange things at Pine Gap! Pine Gap is linked by a 1400 mile long tunnel to North West Cape (Submarine Station) and Submarines refuel at Pine Gap. The facility has up to 9 underground levels The facility has an escape tunnel for the workers to evacuate in the event of nuclear attack The facility is built to withstand 3 simultaneous nuclear weapon strikes It is the number one nuclear target in Australia. What exactly is Pine Gap? As strange as it may seem, even Australian Federal Parliament members do not know. Among the Cabinet members, only a small number of ‘initiates’ have a vague idea of what this is all about.
Australia: So just after April last yr Melbourne went into its first major lockdown. Those same white tents were put up that they had in NY City at the same time as Comfort & Mercy were there. There were people driving at night taking videos of the explosions/ booms they were hearing (Tunnels getting hit with Tesla Rods Of God). They discovered a 1500km tunnel system used for trafficking. Tyrannical Australia has major DUMBS aka Deep Underground Military Bases that Intelligence Operatives use for Trafficking. A Victorian MP shared the truth on her Instagram. She showed an entry to one of the tunnels and said something else is really going on.
G. Global Financial Crises:
Five firms representing BRICS nations ink pact to mine gold:
Indian-driven gold mining project in Russia praised at BRICS Summit – Times of India:
H. The Real News for Sat. 5 March 2022:
Q+Trump Great Awakening World: “Wait a min… Biden is an actor with facemask and the current Ukranian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is also an actor and took the oath of office on 20 May 2019. It can’t be just another coincidence. It’s all planned. This means the White Hats were in control of both countries and cleaning the Swamp. Remember Q said: for a good movie it needs good actors. This is it. Deep-States got played in their own game. Trust the Plan.”
Central U.S. should prepare for devastating earthquake, experts warn. Despite 45 million people living within the danger zone, warnings have largely been ignored, said Robbie Myers, the emergency management expert from the region.
Fake News CNN pulls out of Russia after Putin signs Misinformation Law. They are completely incapable of telling the Truth.
In 2016, Putin warned of an international push for a New World Order that would end national sovereignty. Putin said that Western states were abandoning their moral values, that are rooted in Christianity,
So Putin wants to create a list of countries which sanctioned Russia. It’s easier to make a list of which countries haven’t declared sanctions: China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Serbia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Argentina, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Israel, South Africa, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Syria, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Iran, Algeria, Eritrea, North Korea, Mali, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Angola, Burundi, Panama
There were 54 versions of written history of the Bible found in a 150 mile long tunnel beneath the Vatican. Those Bibles were now being prepared for publication. The corruption of the Vatican and false interpretation of the Bible would soon be revealed. The Vatican Bible was edited from start to end and misinterpreted to emphasize Lucifer’s philosophy of seeking power over others through fear instead of the truthfulness of the Gospel of Christ: We can gain happiness and true joy by loving ourselves and others.
State of Affairs, Juan O Savin:, Juan O Savin -State Of Affairs- Q&A (
Fake News CNN To Stop Broadcast in Russia After Putin Signs Law Introducing Jail Terms for Fake News – Final Telegraph:
In 23 years Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have raided nine countries and murdered 11 million civilians and no one has called them on it.
Former United States Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts on the digital slavery the cabal want to create. Watch everything about the Global Reset here:
Israel has officially banned fluoridation in it’s drinking water:
Las Vegas Nevada: Two Men Chase Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak and His Family Out of a Las Vegas Restaurant:
I. What’s Happening in Ukraine, Anon:
J. News/ Quick reads By QTSR
International community demanding probe of Russia for “war crimes” but not U.S. for funding multiple bioweapons labs around the world:
The binary weapon extermination plot becomes clear: mRNA spike protein injections suppress DNA repair, followed by global nuclear events that unleash DNA-damaging radiation:
Romania’s largest soccer club bans vaccinated players because they keep dropping dead:
Bayer Exec Brags mRNA Shots Are ‘Gene Therapy’ Marketed as ‘Vaccines’:
Russia Vs Ukraine: Classical Liberal Russell Brand Rakes In Millions Of Views For Questioning Mainstream Narratives:
Ukraine-Russia Conflict: A Globalist Cover To Remove US Dollar As World Reserve Currency?
Doctors Speak Out Against Covid-19 Vaccine:
Study finds Office for National Statistics is deliberately hiding Covid Vaccine Deaths:
Whilst you’ve been distracted by Russia’s invasion, the UK Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated are now up to 3.2x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated:
Mainstream media, government using Ukraine propaganda to distract from mass post-injection deaths, maimings:
Russia Embraces Full Tyranny: Bans Major Social Media Platform( Fake-Fact-Checker Facebook Twitter ECT):
The WAR is creating a lot of distraction as figured since last year.
We are heading into FULL censorship soon.
EU expected to pass laws on misinformation connected to infection laws and other new laws on censorship.
K. Putin’s speech:
“People in Donbass are not stray dogs. From 13 to 14 thousand people have been killed since the beginning of hostilities in Donbass in 2014, among them more than 500 children, but the West did not notice this.”
“The consequences of the conflict between Russia and NATO, if it had happened, are clear to everyone.”
“The guys who fight and lay down their lives are fighting for our future.”
“The neutral status of Ukraine is needed so that the country does not join NATO.”
“If the leadership of Ukraine continues to do what they are doing, it will call into question the future of Ukrainian statehood. And it will be entirely their responsibility.”
“There are neo-Nazis in Russia too, but not in the government, as in Ukraine.
“Russia’s key demand for Ukraine is demilitarization.”
“The sanctions that are being imposed against Russia are akin to a declaration of war.”
“Martial law is imposed in the country by law by presidential decree in case of external aggression. We don’t have such a situation and I hope we won’t.”
“Russia’s nuclear forces were transferred to a special regime after the statement of the British Foreign Minister.”
“Conscripts are not involved in the military operation in Ukraine, and we do not plan to do this.”
L. Must See Videos:
Sat. 5 March Situation Update: Situation Update: Nazis in Ukraine Attacking Civilians & Blaming Russia! Bioweapons Labs All Over Ukraine! Cabal in Ukraine! Pfizer Released Shocking Covid Vax Docs! Adverse Events & Medical Fraud! Mendela Effect! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
Situation Update:
Scott McKay Roundtable With Mel K and Mike Jaco, Get Ready, It’s Go Time! (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Join Me on Another Red Pill Journey – Enjoy The Show! (Must Watch) | New World Order | Before It’s News (
Deep State Situation Update: Russia Building Military! US Funded Bioweapons Labs In Ukraine! Creating Weaponized Viruses Like Airborne Rabies! NAZIS/Cabal In Ukraine Killing Ukrainian Citizens To Blame Russia! NWO Going Down! – We The People News | War and Conflict | Before It’s News (
Bombshell! Ukraine Press Release About Joe Biden! – Must Video | Politics | Before It’s News (
X22Report – Dr. Zelenko: The Deep State Did Not Reach Their Goal! There Is Hope For Those Who Received The Death Jab! – Must Video | Health | Before It’s News (
M. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube Judy Note: YouTube has fixed these links so they don’t work. I suggest you goggle to connect to the link, or better yet use DuckDuckGo.
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
N. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
O. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
”Before they can be brought to trial they must be exposed to the world.”
The antidote to the worldwide web of lies spun by the Stockholm bureaucracy is the Blue-Yellow pill.
WATCH Sweden’s ”Loose Change,” — the real life ”Girl With Dragon Tattoo” and ”Fast Cash”.
Free to republish/re-upload in whole or in part. Although the film is protected under Fair Use it will not stop the system from still claiming copyright violations in order to have it removed. Thus, be sure to promptly download it and re-upload on secure platforms. Share far and wide! If edited please also include the link to the complete film.
In a time of censorship when material of historical importance is being scrubbed from the internet and even blurry low resolution copies with jarring sound becomes tantamount to gold it is important to gather what still remains, so that the audio visual evidence of the tragedy that befell Sweden during the first decades of the 21st century isn’t memory-holed out of existence by the forces of tyranny.
”State of Sweden” covers all major Swedish domestic groups who in their own way have been adversely affected by the anarcho-tyranny. Importantly, the film does not represent any one particular organization, but stands on its own.
The facts speak for themselves, regardless who champions them.
The only agenda with the production is to reveal the unvarnished truth. No one gets a pass because of their status, culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or ethnicity.
Disclaimer: Contrary to what fake news outlets may claim the film advocates holding the criminal elements accountable solely through peaceful means. Contrary to what fake news may claim the film does not spread lies nor does it promote hatred, it exposes it. The actual extremists are the apologists and pushers of the genocidal policies which is destroying Sweden—a nation that was at peace for hundreds of years until the globalists slated it for destruction.
Because the fake news establishment media are arrogant and above all lazy they will not watch the film in whole, or at most simply skim through it. Basing their flimsy responses on such conduct, they will thus (deliberately or not) miss parts that in turn will automatically destroy their lies. Everything in the film ties together and one cannot credibly dismiss any one particular part without also adequately explaining the rest in the same context.
All that remains for the fake news pundits is therefore the emotional appeal, in which they are left to defend rapists, murderers and other criminals as well as the attempted genocide of a people. Thus, they are effectively left with zero moral standing.
As the saying goes, ”the cover up always gets you.” This is also why the film needs to be so long. It sets up those who rely on the lie for a major downfall.
That the subject matter for one of the world’s longest documentaries is about the rampant latter day Swedish criminality may come as no surprise to those already familiar with the so-called state of Sweden a.k.a. svenska tillståndet — the reality which lurks behind the Potemkin curtain known as Sverigebilden, the Sweden image which is the way the criminal establishment likes to portray itself to the rest of the world, and its own people.
The film is a distress call, as evident by the title, and it needs to become loud enough in order to be able to reverse much of the tragedy that has befallen the people of Sweden, and the world, as a direct result of the criminal Swedish establishment having been allowed to go unchecked for too long.
This is in turn not only the longest Swedish film ever made, but the most important film about Sweden ever made.
No other film is currently offering an equally exhaustive overview (and consequently review) of the state of Sweden and its worldwide crimes. Yet, it remains only cursory.
The length of the documentary also works to illustrate the rapidly escalating and seemingly never ending nightmare that the Swedish establishment has forced its indigenous population into.
The documentary compresses what would normally require years to comprehend into a 12 1/2 hour dramatic overview.
To argue that the film should be shorter is like suggesting that Assange should not have released all 250,000 cables with the reasoning that it was too much. It is not a film that is intended to be watched in one sitting, the viewer decides when intermission is necessary. Rather than deeming the length of the film as a problem it should be regarded as a 12 1/2 hour long merciless torture of the criminal Swedish establishment.
The film refuses to tone itself down, and uncompromisingly presents enough information and perspectives to completely shatter the opinion corridor once and for all. Because, once a person has watched the film from beginning to end they will undoubtedly feel the need to talk to somebody about the shocking revelations. This is inevitable. Thus, the film effectively serves as a megaphone from Sweden to the rest of the world.
In order to prevent the ”People of the Lie” from in turn claiming it to be false or exaggerated an overkill of facts, cases and data has been necessary.
The first quarter is simply intended to show the horrific crimes the establishment is guilty of having committed (often by proxy) against the Swedish population, in order to drive home the point that most Swedes are as much victims of the Swedish establishment as the rest of the world, in fact even more.
The first quarter furthermore shows the effects of unrestricted immigration from the MENA region, and what awaits for example the United States unless it stops it and starts deporting, thereby also setting an important precedent for Europe to follow. The remainder of the film shows how Sweden is a globalist leader and how it interferes with other countries’ affairs.
For those not already in the know “State of Sweden” will work as an emotional journey of discovery, into one of our time’s most deceptive and socially destructive systems, cloaked by a fog of lies which goes under the moniker Humanitarian Superpower.
The film constitutes first and foremost a thorough deconstruction of the delusional Swedish self-image; a wake up call for the Swedish people as to what has become of their country and by extension them as a people.
The big question is: What do you do with a people who seemingly knows nothing about the reality of their collective situation, or refuses to accept the facts? A people who will defend the lies with such ardor that they become synonymous with them—evil? Only by having the whole world react in righteous condemnation may the brainwashed and chronic sufferer of the Stockholm syndrome (perhaps) wake up enough to reconsider their stance.
Truth is that the nation of Sweden has been taken over by a class of white collar criminals who remain immune to any prosecution because they are effectively in control of the system: this group of criminals whose crimes are open and obvious for everybody to witness call themselves ”politicians” and their lieutenants ”bureaucrats”. This is why the international community must intervene and hold these offenders accountable in an international setting. The first step towards that objective is to educate the world.
Truth is also that Sweden is in an undeclared state of war, of 4GW character, a civil war in which the native population is under attack by imported hostile forces, allied with the terrorist cultural marxist left and the globalist establishment.
As the perpetrators on a grass roots level conduct their (war) crimes the globalist establishment is attacking the native population from a legislative and judicial vantage point in what amounts to systemic abuse of power. In this pincer move the indigenous civilian population is being systematically crushed.
The globalist criminals have manufactured division so that Swedish society never again can return to harmonic unity. This divide and conquer scheme can only be resolved by first holding those ultimately responsible accountable.
This documentary proves beyond any reasonable doubt how these seemingly fantastical claims are true, while simultaneously making a convincing case for why the top level of the Swedish establishment must be prosecuted internationally, and the nation’s judiciary reformed in accordance to international standards so that lower level operatives then may be held accountable in domestic trials under new laws.
Put simply, the film is a MOAB in the information war over Sweden in that ”all” information hereby is made readily available for dissemination through one link, and has the power to destroy the corrupt system and its agents.
Only by successfully turning Sweden into a warning example for the rest of the world may Sweden stand a chance of being saved (restored).
The very existence of the film in fact serves to preempt any future crimes by said establishment through the full exposure of its agenda. In that capacity the film is evergreen and its relevance will only grow, until it eventually transforms into a purely historical document — a testament of the gravest period in Swedish history.
The film stands as a digital monument over the Swedish anarcho-tyranny, implemented by the very same people who are so frequently promoted and celebrated in Swedish mainstream news and entertainment. It is also a necessary reminder as to what was said by the establishment itself and what really happened.
”State of Sweden” consists of numerous representative exhibits and in that capacity serves as an absolute indictment.
It takes the viewer from the seemingly apparent to that which has been hidden from the public, but in order to fully understand what’s been hidden one must first be able to put into proper context that which is readily apparent.
Relevant to this point, the film for example shows the involvement of prominent Swedish individuals in the secret criminal network of Jeffrey Epstein, which in turn is directly linked to the deep state.
”State of Sweden” is essentially a so-called witness impact statement (not only by Swedes) so that future generations may never forget what was done, not just to their ancestors but also to them, and importantly who did it and in what capacity.
This encompasses everything from genocide to racketeering, pertaining for example to the 2020 US election, Agenda 21/2030, the situation in South Africa and Ukraine, etc. Other prominent countries impacted negatively by the crimes of the Swedish establishment are Russia, China, as well as those of the European Union.
What is being done to the United states is precisely what they have done to Sweden. And to understand what’s in store for the United States, as well as the rest of the west, simply take a look at the state of Sweden. Sweden is the canary in the coal mine for the west.
To get a real tangible insight into what the New World Order actually will be like simply look to that northern outpost of anarcho-tyranny known as Sweden.
#SwedenMatters because Sweden is a leading force within the deep state, as the country is effectively under the control of one of Europe’s (the world’s) most powerful globalist families: Wallenberg.
Foreign governments who are being attacked by the criminal Swedish establishment are highly encouraged to watch the film in order to find fodder for the purpose of formulating an educated defense against the criminal cabal of the north. USE THE INFORMATION and be merciless with the criminal Swedish establishment, help the Swedish people bring them to trial internationally by releasing in response any pertinent information regarding their crimes.
Even the imported islamists who are currently residing in Sweden need to understand that the corrupt Swedish political/financial establishment which they support has been directly involved in the destruction of their homelands.
The Swedish establishment has successfully done so by way of supranational organizations, legislative influence in international bodies, transnational corporations and corporate crimes.
Call to Action:
The film gives the awakened individual a necessary leverage by providing them with the opportunity to take on the crucially important role of distributor by proxy.
The film enables every concerned individual, regardless of background or level of knowledge, to have a have a profound role in helping save not only a country and a people, but in fact the world, as the film makes it easy to distribute massive amounts of key information with the mere click of a button. It grants the opportunity to those not previously engaged in the plight of Sweden to come in strong to the fight.
Anybody is welcome to use the film as a tool to further bring attention to the revelations presented. That is not to claim however, that all who are referenced or promoting “State of Sweden” necessarily agree with each other.
Uniting Swedes in the prevailing climate of ”divide & conquer” has thus far proven practically impossible. This holds true even amongst groups who are technically on the same side in their concern for Sweden’s wellbeing. “State of Sweden” offers a potential way of circumvention of any such drama.
Rather than infighting by publicly distancing itself from one another every party in the film would do better by instead putting focus on what they wish to communicate next to the world, now when they have been given a brief window of universal attention. What is the most important thing that they want to say about the Swedish issue which must be resolved?
Therein, lies the strength, a strength of decentralized unity. Each work their angle, or point of interest, through the dissemination of the film which in turn presents the greater narrative.
Having watched the film from start to finish everyone of average intellect and intelligence should be able to reach the same conclusion: That the Swedish establishment is rotten beyond redemption, and will do nothing effective to solve the problems which they are themselves responsible for having created. Any assurance by them to the contrary is simply tantamount to yet another broken promise and lie. — The only reasonable recourse is thus to pursue justice through the international community. A crime against humanity is a crime against international law and must be resolved accordingly. That is the singular rallying point which ties together all the various angles that are presented.
Similarly to how the criminal Swedish establishment has bypassed the genuine sentiments of its indigenous population, the population as a whole must now bypass the criminal establishment. What the treasonous globalist government thinks of such action is irrelevant.
There is ultimately only one reason why the rest of the world remains indifferent to the politics of Sweden — they simply do not comprehend the tremendous magnitude of harm it has caused around the world.
Alas, the whole world is paying the price for the Swedish establishment having been left unaccountable for far too long.
The way for the international community to actively assist is therefore to demand — if only out of pure self-interest — that the (globalist) Swedish establishment is prosecuted internationally for their many crimes against humanity, which they have either directly or indirectly participated in around the world.
It should be noted however, that the criminal Swedish establishment also is part of a greater international criminal network, which is presented in the film as well and which must face a similar fate.
History is being written and history needs to be merciless with traitors and criminals against humanity, so that it never happens again.
Accept the challenge: It all starts with the click of a button. See for how long you are able to remain in the state of Sweden via this 12 hour long vicarious odyssey. Beware: Should you press play you are effectively taking the Blue-Yellow pill, and your world will never be quite the same. The film offers a complete deprogramming from the official narrative.
You have the choice to stop watching at any moment and return to the matrix, the delusion that what this film reveals isn’t actually happening and that everything is fine, more or less. Only by watching ”State of Sweden” to the very end will you able to say you took the Blue-Yellow pill.
Should you not make it to the end, then imagine what it is like for the defenseless Swedes who do not have the option of stopping the nightmare with simply the click of a button.
On the other hand, if you do make it to the end you will no longer have any legitimate excuse to remain inactive, nor be able to say you “didn’t know…”.
The film is a battering ram against the criminal Swedish establishment and their Potemkin curtain. It is however up to every individual who feel called to action via the information presented, to help swing it.
Free media will initially be crucial in pushing the film out of the phantom zone by continuously giving it attention, thereby raising awareness and curiosity.
While walls in general are good, please do not put your review behind a pay wall.
All relevant Swedish media coverage in English will be compiled and submitted to international media and other relevant organizations.
Those international platforms (from the Swedish perspective) who acknowledge “State of Sweden” will in turn be introduced to the Swedish audience through their coverage of the film — thus it is a win-win.
Furthermore, every unique viewer is kindly asked to please participate by making a social media statement (preferably in English, use Google translate if necessary) as to why they think their circle of influence/interest group should also watch it. EVERY VOICE matters in this. #ReviewsMatter
Another way to fight back in this information war; is to tag and link in comment sections every time the corrupt politicians and other (yet unindicted) criminals post something. Start new accounts to keep them busy blocking, redirect their energies and put them on the defense, through this capture of their attention their followers will finally press play simply to see what it is all about. Every single person matters, every person who gets involved for the purpose of bringing justice to the victims have an honorable mention in the annals of history.
Indeed, its strength depends on the commitment of the individual to give it proper attention in a sustained effort, especially leading up to the 2022 Swedish election.
The Swedish people fancy themselves as moral guardians, and if that has any authenticity it is necessary to now actively help expose the lies and crimes that their representatives have pushed on the world for far too long, or they will by coming generations also be labeled as the ”People of the Lie”: in short, evil.
The only way forward in order to maintain honor and dignity is thus to get active.
Please take to heart, the more views the louder the message to the criminal establishment, namely that the entire world is now literally watching their every move. Their lies are being exposed, and will remain so in perpetuity.
”O PLAN” (operational plan)
Colonial history 101: You simply don’t give away somebody’s land and then try to genocide them and expect those affected to accept it.
The way the United State will hold their globalists accountable shall serve as a precedent for also other nations suffering from the very same nature of criminals and crimes.
As prosecutions begin to intensify in the United States it is therefore crucial to ride that wave, to seize the momentum by showing the numerous parallells, as well as to emphasize that international assistance with prosecuting the Swedish globalist elements also is absolutely necessary.
The more parallels that become relevant between the worldwide corruption and the state of Sweden, the more people will be interested in watching the film. This process cannot be stopped so long as everyone interested in saving Sweden also accepts the task of passionately distributing/promoting it.
Swedish free media plays a crucial role in ensuring the film’s impact by creating a case for international media to also acknowledge it.
In this back and forth public communication pertaining to the subject matters of the film, along with steadily growing public attention, it will eventually force the corrupt establishment to act. That is the objective: that the establishment’s fake news platforms go on the attack so that also the sleeping majority who normally do not pay attention to alternative media becomes intrigued enough to watch it. Regardless what the fake news mainstream media say, their claims will be used in further deconstruction of the official false narrative which they are tasked with upholding.
It is understood that it is going to be a drawn out process to get a significant number to watch the film until enough talk about it, whereby it consequently becomes a self-generating process.
When the film becomes a major talking point people will want to watch it for that reason alone.
To reiterate, the film does not belong in any one camp, but stands above. Therefore, it cannot be claimed by any one group, and there are furthermore enough issues to engage numerous camps to get active in sharing it. Thus, the film is effectively designed to work as modern-day Svinfylking, a proud tradition of the Norse, and open to anybody in the world who wants to be part of contemporary “Viking” legacy.
Everyone is welcome to join in this historic endeavor.
The time of impunity is over.
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Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 21, 2022
February 20, 2022 Constitutional Nobody US News
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 21 Feb. 2022
Compiled Mon. 21 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Drain the Swamp is not a catch phrase, it’s a Military Operation
The Stage is Set
Hold the Line
1776 Trump Card
God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand – Mormon Tabernacle Choir – Bing video
Judy Note: Think about it. JFK Jr. “died” in a plane crash on 16 July 1999. Yet, JFK Jr. was said to have carried on the Q movement for which his father President John F. Kennedy was murdered, formed the worldwide Military and White Hats, plus was serving as vice president to President Trump. It would be 22 years, 222 days from the date of JFK Jr.’s so-called “death” on 16 July 1999 to Freedom Day on Tues. 22 Feb. 2022. So, what was set to happen on Tues?
On Tues. 22 Feb. 2022 the planet Pluto will complete a full revolution for the first time since July 4, 1776, signaling the rebirth of Nations returning Power to the People.
That same Tuesday Durham Report exposures would likely take a domino effect that included Child/ Human Trafficking truth tapes coming out.
That same Tuesday the USA Freedom Truck Convoy begins!!
That same Tuesday they said the Great Crash was coming! Watch for Feb 22. Watch everything about the global reset here:
That same Tuesday, the Global Currency Reset would take over the global central banking system and 209 countries would have gold- and asset-backed currencies trading at a 1:1 ratio with each other.
That same Tuesday, Iraq, the linchpin of the Global Currency Reset, would announce its new international exchange rate for its dinar.
That same Tuesday, Tier 4B (us, the internet group) would receive email notification on how to make redemption/ exchange appointments at Redemption Centers around the world, and those exchanges would begin.
That same Tuesday, or perhaps by Wednesday 23 Feb. the general public would be able to exchange foreign currency at banks at the new international rates.
A. Ground Zero Canada:
This weekend Trudeau declared a State of Emergency and immediately soldiers arrived in Ottawa who then forcefully broke up peaceful demonstrators who were only asking for Freedom from the serious health causing and dangerous vaccine mandates.
PAY ATTENTION… not one Western Leader has condemned the actions of Trudeau.
MSM journalist scumbags were kicked out by protesters in Ottawa.
Canadian police began a crackdown on the Freedom Convoy, though protest shows no sign of ending. There were renewed protests breaking out in Quebec, and across western Canada.
170 Canadian protesters have been arrested so far in Ottawa.
Police in Ottawa are being extremely aggressive towards pedestrians on the street. The police grabbed an individual’s camera and threatened him with arrest for having the camera and for being on a public sidewalk.
Ottawa mayor wants to SELL confiscated Freedom Convoy trucks. Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson has praised the police crackdown on anti-mandate Freedom Convoy protesters in the Canadian capital. With the demonstrations cleared, he told state media that trucks, campers, and vehicles seized from the protesters should be sold off, claiming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s controversial emergency powers allow him to do so
Canadians politely ask Putin to invade Canada rather than the Ukraine and liberate them from Justin Trudeau, a Canadian told Beep News. It would give them cause to ask for asylum in America.
The Ottawa Police tweets have been eye-opening and out of control. “IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material support (gas etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway”
Toronto, you look beautiful!!!
New Zealand: Nonstop since 14 days people protest for the Freedom of their own Bodies! Maori People Perform Powerful Haka Dance in Protest of New Zealand COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates:
In a town in Germany, people stood in silence and played the Canadian national anthem for the fight for freedom battles in Canada.
Demonstrations against the Vaccine Green Pass took place in Milan Italy, Tyrannical Australia and New Yorkers in Buffalo were showing their support for the freedom convoy today.
US congresswoman proposes asylum for Canadian protesters: A US congresswoman has promised to introduce legislation to grant asylum to Canadian truckers facing persecution from their government for being involved in the recent ‘Freedom Convoy’ protests against Covid-19 restrictions.
A US Peoples Freedom convoy against vaccine mandates will begin in LA on Tues. 22 Feb. and end in Washington DC. On Sat. evening 19 Feb. trucks were already blocking the US Capitol.
The UN (DAVOS group, World Banks, Deep State goons, ect.) had a long staged Plan to deploy soldiers to countries that they have secretly created chaos in and pretend to be the answer to the staged chaos. Color Revolutions (CIA, Soros, UN, NATO, same old Deep State playbook).
However, based on what Queen Romana’s been posting on the UN in Canada, the Military now in power in Canada were White Hats and have taken care of the Trudeau Dictatorship situation.
Soldiers now in Canada were not Canadians, had no names, no badges and no identification of any kind.
Just like what was done in Corrupt DC last January when the fake Biden Administration was put in and a ten foot high barbed wire fence went around the US Capitol and White House, a Metal fence was now being erected at the Parliament of Canada in Ottawa.
On Sat. 19 Feb. with the US Freedom Trucker Convoy headed to DC, Biden has invoked a State of Emergency (Martial Law). Does he think UN troops are arriving to help him? The White Hats don’t.
B. HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief, Head of Government of Canada, Queen of Canada/President of Canada
These ignoramus are busy trying to spark a Civil War and, they pay homage to their CCP/NWO Bosses by mentioning Chinese Military in the Kingdom of Canada.
There are no Chinese Military in the Kingdom- they’ve been removed by the Global Allied Forces and Special Forces.
The new UN will only deploy Military personnel to the Kingdom of Canada IF and when the real and rightful Queen who is the Commander-in-Chief makes an official request and all member Nations including Russia agree.
Q: Queen Romana, will the Kingdom of Canada be part still of corrupt UN? Answer: What #UN? The old UN is gone, kaput, dismantled.
Every Country is a Sovereign. The old UN was interfering in every Country’s internal Affairs under the disguise of their word Salad, “Human Rights.”
Many of old UN staff used their diplomatic credentials to kidnap and traffick children (Human Trafficking), drugs trafficking, weapons trafficking, etc, using UN Vehicles and Airplanes.
Q: Queen Romana, are the UN Vehicles in Canada our Military Vehicles now? A: Yes. The UN Vehicles now in Canada are OURS/US/Allied Military Vehicles. The Logos on some of the UN Armored Vehicles have YET to be removed. But, since we need to use these Armored Vehicles NOW to hunt down the PISSOSITOs – we will remove the UN Logos AFTER Special Ops.
C. Why the protests against vaccine mandates?
The millions around the world participating in Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoys and peaceful demonstrations were protesting mandates that forced free citizens to inject into their own bodies experimental vaccines containing 99% Graphene Oxide (nanotechs) – filament-like structures that continued to grow inside the body and linked to major health problems including Blood Clots, Heart Attacks, Cancer, AIDs, Autism, Neurological Disorders, Sterility, Aborted Babies and death.
Last week Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier was found dead after confirming that HIV was added to the Covid vaccines.
Medical journals have published proof that natural immunity has made vaccine mandates irrelevant, while recently Dr. Robert Malone announced, “We’ve known how to cure Covid since about March of 2020.”
Praise to truckers of the World who were leading the fight against vaccine mandates:
They fear an awake public. Each Q proof proves our strength too. Thank you, Q and Q+! You have come far, Anons (Patriots). You are ready. Prepare for the Storm.
D. Why the fences around Corrupt DC Capitol Hill, Canadian and other Parliament Buildings?
On 19 Feb. 2022 a metal fence is erected at the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.
Many parliaments around the world have been fenced and thus sealed.
What if there were underground tunnels and Child Sex torture installations as in Corrupt DC under this and every Parliament Building?
The Imprisonment Of The United States Corporation Deep State:
The White House forever closed:
E. Covid/Vax Hoax:
Lots of very aggressive and dangerous bacteria detected in the Pfizer/Comirnaty jabs. Along with artificially created substances.
US Vaccine Mandates Remain After Four Republican Senators Skip Senate Vote:
Pfizer Vaccines: Morgellons-type structures that “feed” on crystals. La Quinta Columna has shared with the world a very particular observation about the filament-like structures they have found when looking at vials of Pfizer vaccines under an optical microscope. Dr. Sevillano noticed that within the weird composition, there are some crystals that appear to be microcircuitry, but are actually some other material that would be a kind of food for the Morgellons-like filaments to grow. They don’t know what kind of crystals these are, but they continue in their research to try to unravel as many mysteries as possible.
NIH sent 292 fully redacted pages rather than substantive material related to virus research in Wuhan. The agency continues to withhold critical documents that could shed light on the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.
F. International Child Sex Trafficking:
Trudeau’s Dark Pedophilia Network Exposed: Human Trafficking, Sex Crimes, And Pedophilia:
Pedo Wars 3: Origins, Chapter 3 The Black Nobility:
The 9th Circle Elite Satanists Child Sex Sacrifice Cult Rule Europe – and engage in child trafficking, put on “human hunts” where kidnapped/drugged children were stripped naked, raped, tortured, hunted down by horseback in the woods, and killed ritually by nobility and their guests (who drink their victim’s blood). These powerful few also turned to cannabalism and ate parts of their “offerings” to the demonic deity they revere. Witnesses who survived came before the Brussels International Common Law Court of Justice in 2014. 5 judges/27 jury members weighed the evidence. Witnesses stated child sacrifices occurred regularly in the Vatican, catacombs of Catholic cathedrals, private estates, groves and gov military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and United States. The children came from detention centers in Belgium/Holland, according to a former member of Octopus (Netherlands criminal drug cartel)
Horrifying Child Sacrifices | ICLCJ Court Litigating The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult: Some Members Prominent Global Elites:
Nicole Kidman’s Father: Satanist, Silenced by His Own Ninth Circle Satanic Cult. Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Tyrannical Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring. A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the Australian NSW police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging Kidman’s sexual and physical assaults on her throughout childhood. When the Commission opened an investigation the clinical psychologist suddenly left his 43 years with the Sydney University of Technology and Royal North Shore Hospital to stay in Singapore until he died. The family has refused to comment and Singapore police opened an investigation on what they termed as an unnatural death.
Ninth Circle Satanic Cult Sacrifices: Eyewitnesses at the trial also claimed that Queen Elizabeth, her husband Prince Philip, British and Dutch royal family members and Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon were present with Pope Francis and former Pope Ratzinger at Ninth Circle child sacrifices.
Eyewitnesses at the trial also claimed that Queen Elizabeth, her husband Prince Philip, British and Dutch royal family members and Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon were present with Pope Francis and former Pope Ratzinger at Ninth Circle child sacrifices.
G. Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Ukrainian President Zelensky has called for an immediate ceasefire.
Whatever is really going on in the Ukraine, u can bet if there is a major cyber event, they will blame it on Russia and use it as an excuse for radical financial reform.This world feels like it gets bumpier by the hour.
US Vice President Kamala Harris says Europe is already on the brink of possible “War.”
They’re using the threat of WWIII to force the Federal Reserve, SEC and the Treasury to adopt Crypto.
Probably CCP going after Taiwan soon. What will Russia do during that potential chaos? Probably more confusion Ops. Inch closer to Israel? Final target?
Ukraine President Says he refuses to hide Biden and Kerry crimes and refuses to talk to Harris, “She’s no one.”
H. Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:
Europe has next to no gas left – Gazprom. Underground gas storage facilities (UGS) in Europe were 95.3% empty as of February 17, Russia’s state energy giant and major gas exporter Gazprom said on Saturday, citing data from Gas Infrastructure Europe.This means that Europe now has only 4.7% of its gas reserves left for the remainder of the winter season.The volume of active gas in storage facilities is 21% or 8.3 billion cubic meters less compared to the same time last year. In total, 44.8 billion cubic meters have already been withdrawn from Europe’s UGS this winter.
I. Planes, Trains Grounded Across the Globe:
Transport for London may go bankrupt without extra funds, claims mayor.
Australia: city’s public transport system today, with all train services being brought to a halt. A breakdown in talks between the NSW Government and the Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) has resulted in all services on the Sydney Train lines and intercity RailLink line being cancelled.
J. The Cabal’s HAARP Weather Manipulation:
UK Storm Franklin: More wind warnings after Storm Eunice. The Met Office issues yellow warnings for wind and rain and 83,000 homes still have no power. Big flood alert in the Manchester area today. 400+ Homes being evacuated. If you need assistance with accommodation we can put a call out on Fascist Twitter for you.
Magnitude 4.9 earthquake strikes eastern Taiwan | Taiwan News | 2022-02-20 19:29:00
Missing in Alaska “Zombies of HAARP” Season 01 Episode 04 Full History Channel Series:
The Weather as a Weapon:
Spain is shocked! – Tsunami-like violent storm with huge waves hit Tenerife.
K. Operation London Bridge is Falling Down:
The Queen tested positive for covid-19 at Buckingham Palace. We all know that the Queen has been dead for a while now. They are preparing/staging for Operation London Bridge is Falling down. There are other darker schemes inside the death of one of the world’s most powerful Deep State royals. The systems would collapse. It’s a fight for power!!! The MI5, MI6, Mossad, CIA were fighting to keep secrets of hundreds of years of human trafficking, a tyrannical system connected to World Elites, Banks and the Pandemic. Word is White Hats in the UK will expose the UK Majesty and the fight for the servers, stolen computers and internet keys that hold valuable information connected to the Vatican Pedo System/ Epstein/ Gates/ Clintons and world Deep State presidents in the Data Banks.
L. End of Communism: No More Chinese Communist Party? After seeing Xi Jinping promoting communism like Mao, it seems far-fetched that he might want to destroy the Chinese Communist Party. But that’s exactly what he’s being accused of. In this episode of Communist China Uncensored, we talk about a mysterious article that appeared slandering Xi Jinping, why he might want to destroy the Party, and what fallen Chinese official Bo Xilai has to do with all of it.
M. Real News Highlights for Sun. 20 Feb. 2022:
Trump’s Truth Social App set for release in the Apple App Store on President’s Day Mon. 21 Feb.
The requirement of self-isolation after a positive test for Covid-19 has been abolished in England. All other restrictions will be lifted in the coming days.
Trump released a statement announcing that Arizona Attorney General Brnovich was vacationing with the Maricopa County Registrar when he was supposed to indict him. Arizona will probably have a new attorney general.
The family of Gilane Maxwell “fears for her safety” after Epstein’s pimp Jean-Luc Brunel was found dead in prison after a mysterious “suicide”. At the time of Brunel’s death, the security cameras in the prison mysteriously stopped working.
Outraged citizens are attacking the telephone lines of the Ottawa police with complaints about the terrible treatment of protesters, receiving threats of criminal charges in response.
The Ottawa Police Chief announces that they will be tracking down the protesters in the coming months — “The investigation will continue for several more months.”
The acting Ottawa police chief says his officers used “legal and safe tactics” when they beat protesters with batons, fired pepper spray and trampled protesters with horses.
The Fake News MSNBC reporter admits that many Democratic voters do not want life to return to normal.
Trudeau’s deputy, Hristya Freeland, whose grandfather was a Nazi and is director of the World Economic Forum, says he plans to make his emergency powers permanent.
BLM rioters gather at the house of the judge who sentenced former Minnesota police officer Kim Potter to 16 months in prison for the murder of a black guy.
The Cook Children’s Medical Center in Texas refuses a teenager a life-saving kidney transplant because he is not vaccinated.
Bill Gates (Not a Scientist) claims that misinformation has increased doubts about vaccines and led to the death of many people.
An object weighing about four tons is approaching the moon and will collide with it on March 4. Scientists suggest that this is the stage of a Chinese rocket launched in 2014.
AFP: “According to the head of NATO, everything indicates that Russia is planning a “full-scale attack on Ukraine.
BBC: “Boris Johnson believes that Russia is planning the biggest war in Europe since 1945.”
Haaretz: “The war in Ukraine has already begun and it is not like any of those wars that you have seen before.”
N. President Donald Trump:
“The National Archives did not “find” anything, they were given, upon request, Presidential Records in an ordinary and routine process to ensure the preservation of my legacy and in accordance with the Presidential Records Act. If this was anyone but “Trump,” there would be no story here. Instead, the Democrats are in search of their next Scam. The Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax turned out to be a Democrat inspired fake story to help Crooked Hillary Clinton. Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, has all been a Hoax. The * * Fake News is making it seem like me, as the President of the United States, was working in a filing room. No, I was busy destroying ISIS, building the greatest economy America had ever seen, brokering Peace deals, making sure Russia didn’t attack Ukraine, making sure Communist China didn’t take over Taiwan, making sure there was no inflation, creating an energy independent country, rebuilding our military and law enforcement, saving our Second Amendment, protecting our Border, and cutting taxes. Now, Russia is invading Ukraine, our economy is being destroyed, our Border is once again overrun, and the mandate continues. Instead of focusing on America, the media just wants to talk about their plan to “get” Trump. The people won’t stand for it any longer!”
O. Satanic Elites Exposed Parts 1-18:
Relax: White Hats in Control. 90% of the DUMBS cleaned, millions of children and adults rescued, drugs and weapons seized, Tribunals ongoing 7/24 at GITMO:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 1: Celine Dion Adrenochrome Nununu World Order. Celine Dion’s Satanic clothing line NuNuNu World Order with designers from Israel. The elites drug of choice is Adrenochrome.
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 2: Pedo Coward Justin Trudeau Jesuit Drama Queen Connections. The Elites are Satanic!! Pedowood, Antifa, Soros, Podesta, Clinton, etc.
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 3: Award Winning Hollywood Pedophiles Walk of Shame. The list is long. Many pedos visited Epstein Island and the secret tribunals continue, millions already executed.
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 4: Marina Abramovic Dinner Rituals, Cannibals, Adrenochrome, Pedowood, Hollywood, Witchcraft, Black Magic:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 5: Red Shoe Club Symbolism will be their downfall, Black Eye Club, Pedowood, Adrenochrome, Reptos, Vril, PizzaGate:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 6: Bloodlines – Trudeau, Castro and Co
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 7: Music Industry Militarized, Radio Microwave Frequencies, Mind Control, MKULTRA, How to clones, Clones in Hollywood, Pedowood, Greys, Adrenochrome, PizzaGate:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 8: Gates of Hell:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 9: The 9th Circle Cult: Since 1962 Joseph Razinger has been a member of the Ninth Circle and has routinely participated in the ritual rape, torture and killing of children according to a forner member of the child abuse cult known as The Ninth Circle in his deposition, & quo.
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 10: Operation Paperclip with the help of the CIA and the Vatican Ratlines
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 11: Dr. Tam’s 11th Hour Tik Tok: Dr. Tam and National Film Board Of Canada’s 57 minutes into this creepy video before the pandemic. Concentration camps, detention centers all for the RFID tracking bracelets for the New World Order In full swing. Canada has been under the UNA.
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 12 Echelon’s New World Order: HAARP, 5G, Nono Chips, Surveillance:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 13: Elon Musk’s Transformation:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 14: It’s right on the money. A picture show of symbols designed by the elites for the New World Order – Illuminati MATRIX still under construction BUT it FAILED – ThankQ
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 15 Finger Lakes and Hunter Biden. A preview of what is on Hunter Biden’s Laptop and the connection with his tattoo on his back of finger lakes where human trafficking takes place.
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 17: Weather Games, HAARP, NOW, FEMA, The Vault Archive:
Satanic Elites Exposed Part 18 Canadian DUMB Deep Underground Military Bases, Gene Decode:
P. Must Watch Videos:
Sun. 20 Feb. Situation Update Video: Situation Update: It’s Go Time! Protest Nightmare! Trudeau’s Troops Trample & Kill a Grandmother! Full Dictator! Sonic & EMF Weapons Used On Protestors In Australia! Globalists Colluded to Experiment On Humanity With Vax! – We The People News | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
Sun. 20 Feb. Situation Update Report: Super Bowl Child Trafficking Arrests – Trudeau Declares War On The People – Mass Disclosure On The 22nd – Biden’s War – Latest News and Updates… | Beyond Science | Before It’s News (
Sun. 20 Feb. Update:
Collapse will be Local: The collapse will be LOCAL: Former military intelligence, special forces veterans explain why your proximity to left-wing cities may determine your fate – Sevenwoop (
White Squall trailer, Q: A film about loyalty, discovery and courage based on a true story, not a game. It came from different places. The only way to survive was to become a team. The Calm Before the Storm.WWG1WGA:
Q. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube Judy Note: YouTube has fixed these links so they don’t work. I suggest you goggle to connect to the link, or better yet use DuckDuckGo.
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
R. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
S. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300
Submit an anonymous tip
National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE):
Federal Human Trafficking Website:
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
Saving Innocence:
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000
EU Hotlines:
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:
Human Trafficking Help and Resources:
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline BBC Action Line
T. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
U. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy
Benjamin Fulford Report: “US Corp may Implode this Week” — February 14, 2022
February 17, 2022 Constitutional Nobody US News
Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis
The US Corporation may implode this week
By Benjamin Fulford
February 14, 2022
If all goes well, the satanic parasitical entity known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation will go bankrupt and implode this week. If that happens, then a domino effect will result in the removal of the blackmailed, bribed and brainwashed fools posing as leaders in other G7 countries. The US Corporation missed an external payments deadline on January 31st. They were given until this week to come up with the money or be cut off from the borrowed money they need to stay in business.
We are asking the mostly Asian creditors to please not extend them any more funds and let this main source of the worlds’ evil die. The White Hats are promising to move in after the implosion to restore democracy, freedom of the press and competent economic/social/environmental stewardship.
Of course the Khazarian mafia and their political slaves are hysterically trying to prevent this by starting World War III in Ukraine. It’s like a schoolboy trying to blow up his school in order to avoid an exam he knows he is going to fail.
Ok, let us start by looking at the signs the US Corporate government is imploding. The biggest signals are coming from the financial markets where insiders are rushing for the exits.
The chart below shows by far the biggest stock market sell-off in at least a decade.
The same thing is happening in the US Treasury market where prices have imploded by the most since 1973 and probably ever.
Any long-time market watcher knows that usually when stocks rise bonds fall and vice versa, when both collapse, it is a black swan event.
The whining by the fake Biden administration that “Communist China didn’t buy the $200 billion a year from us they promised,” is a feeble excuse. The Chinese answer there was nothing to buy because US economy has been hollowed out and has nothing to sell except weapons (which they refuse to sell to China) and corn (the feedstock of their sheeple).
Even if the US Corporation once again pulls a dirty trick to kick the bankruptcy can down the road, the people are in open rebellion against their corrupt and incompetent rulers.
We note, for example, a growing rebellion by the rank and file Canadian military against their compromised top commanders.
We were sent this quote about the situation regarding Trudeau by a Mossad source and even though we do not know who said this, it is worth passing on:
It is not Trudeau’s choice to step down or to attempt to stay. It is the decision of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is a critical decision that will affect the entire world. This is not a battle for just Canada, it is a battle for the World. This is the first domino of corruption and if it falls, the entire plan of the WEF fails because all the corrupt dominos will fall if they are forced out of power. Leaving them in power is simply a short respite for the People.
Frankly, the WEF cannot afford for Trudeau to step down. If he falls, Biden falls, Tyrannical Australia falls, New Zealand falls and all of Europe falls. Then the rest of the world joins in.
The sane world is crazy not to make Ottawa the hill they will die on and not give in. It is an opportunity unexpected. Probably an opportunity that will not come again.
The Truckers are truly the People’s Army. Where else could you quickly assemble such a strong, younger Army to possibly confront the Globalist Tyranny Army? It is an Army everyone else can join and get behind. Half the Globalist Tyranny Army will desert them and join the Truckers if they appear to succeed in Ottawa.
Truckers can win this, but it will take support from everyone. There is a window of opportunity that will not stay open forever. Time is not on our side.
The WEF is not going to go without a fight or without having great fear that they will be smashed by this worldwide movement. Even then the WEF members will be sorely afraid of ending up like Mussolini hanging in the Milan Square and will fight to avoid that.
I think people greatly underestimate the overall importance of Ottawa and underestimate the difficulty of overcoming Trudeau. He and the WEF simply cannot afford to lose. I fear also that the People of the world cannot afford to lose in Ottawa. It will likely be the People’s last battle if they lose Ottawa.
I do not agree that this is only about a non-violent confrontation. I don’t think the WEF will fold because of a lengthy non-violent protest of a few thousand truckers. They have been working on this tyranny plan for a 100 years. I think they will fold only if they are clearly weaker in strength than the People’s Army. Whether it is non-violent or violent confrontation, for either way to succeed requires great power standing behind the Truckers with obvious reserve waiting behind them. This means the WEF must act now before the People’s Army grows too large with strong reserves. I expect action by the WEF soon to squash this uprising. This is not about Trudeau, this is the WEF plan in place around the world. Everyone must be ready to heavily support the Truckers and step into the battle if they are attacked.
What these Canadian patriots need to do is demand the top brass and Canadian government provide proof that Covid -the excuse they are using to force toxic vaccinations- even exists. We have previously asked Health Canada, the WHO and the Useless CDC among many other places to provide even a single specimen of Covid (Certiticate Of Vaccination ID) virus and they have not been able to. Instead, we have the Vaccinator in chief Pfizer CEO Albert Israel Abraham Borla saying they are basing their vaccines on a fake virus: “We didn’t study the ‘real’ virus, but a virus that we built in the lab.”
The real reason for the vaccine is the mark of the beast social control, not pandemic fighting. As evidence, the P3 Freemasons sent us this picture of a prototype ATM machine that will not less you access money unless you have proven you have been vaccinated.
So, the military throughout the West needs to remember, forcing medical treatments on the people based on lies is a War Crime under the Nuremberg laws. It is punishable by death.
Already the Pharmacidical company CEOs are on the run. This news item for example notes:
Days after Pfizer admitted a safety audit could wipe billions off their stock market valuation, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel was dumped hundreds of millions of dollars in stock and deleted his Fascist Twitter account.
CIA sources say he has been arrested. The other CEOs have also been arrested or are on the run, the sources say.
There have also been a lot of top world leaders arrested in the past week. For example, Prince Charles has been “arrested for…
…the murder of his wife. Charles murdered Diana which is common knowledge in Europe and around the world. Charles is a creep…his wife is a common bully according to her staff,” according to the real head of MI6. In the corporate news, we are being told “Charles tested positive for Covid and has gone into isolation.”
We also note that President Recep Erdogan of Turkey remains missing and we are hearing he will not be returning to Turkey. This news item reflects this:
The leaders of six opposition parties in Turkey said Turkey was experiencing “the deepest political and economic crisis” of its history and blamed it on the executive presidential system. They said their joint goal was to transform Turkey’s governance to a “strengthened parliamentary system.”
The Turkish president was detained by the white hat alliance because he was trying to start a war with Russia in Ukraine, WDS sources say. Other leaders beating the drums of war will also be removed, the sources promise.
Russian FSB sources, for their part, say there will be no war in Ukraine.
The Russians just want to sit back and do nothing. Biden and his handlers are saying ‘war is coming, war is coming!’ but nothing will happen, just nothing. There won’t be any war for sure. You need to understand that Ukraine and Russia are the same people. We are like husbands and wives, the same family, the same education, the same institutions, the same military program the same mentality. The President of Ukraine is happy to get weapons and other stuff from the US but he is going to do nothing,
is how a senior FSB source describes the situation.
The FSB believes when the war doesn’t happen, the “widely ridiculed” Biden regime will collapse.
Of course, we must never underestimate the Khazarian Mafia. For one thing, they are still able to replace many world leaders with lookalikes. For example, the fake Biden regime is trying to maintain the illusion they still control the CIA by putting a fake Mike Pompeo into their corporate media feeds. Take a look at the mask at the neck of the fake Pompeo below and compare it with the photo of the real Pompeo, who is working with the alliance.
We also hear but cannot confirm that Justin Trudeau, Emmanuelle Macron and many other leaders have been arrested only to be replaced with body doubles who still control levers of power.
The other thing we are seeing from the KM is a huge blast of fear porn. They are saying everybody is going to die of Aids, of Heart Attacks, from spike proteins etc. This is just not going to happen because they have been saying similar stuff for decades and yet people aren’t dying off.
To understand the real reason for their fear take a look at these demonstrations in Canada, Australia, Israel etc. and you can see a people’s revolution is well underway.
Australian sources note for example “The revolution in Canberra will not be televised on the worthless Shit MSM. There are hundreds of thousands attending.”
The KM are not going to murder their way out of long-awaited justice this time around. That does not mean they won’t try though, as this CIA message makes clear:
The corrupt police force in Australia’s capital, ACT Canberra, is deploying a signal interrupter to disturb any transmission of live footage of the protests. These can also be used as frequency weapons, producing the Havana effect and if kept on too long will make people very ill and cause permanent brain damage. It is very real and needs to be smashed down.
Message to Canberra police: you will be shot down by Australian special forces snipers if you deploy those weapons against the Australian people.
The same is true elsewhere. The police and military must not attack their people or they will face instant justice.
We know the US military does not support the fake Biden regime and will not go to war on their behalf. Other military forces need to take note of this or face terminal consequences.
Speaking about terminal consequences; the Japanese have begun to attack the KM. A Japanese right-wing source close to the Emperor says a big secret move was made last week against the French branch of the Rothschild family. In essence, they are being kicked out of Japan and much of Asia, the source says. This was why a fire broke out last week at the money printing factory of the Bank of France. It is also why a senior member of the Japanese imperial police was arrested last week. Japan is about to become an independent country again for the first time in 80 years.
Finally, we will conclude our report this week by looking at the latest developments in project blue beam and space wars. On this front, the biggest development was someone shot down 49 of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites.
They were taken out by a DEW earth-based beam owned by the KM cabal, according to the CIA. “They do not want Musk taking control away from their hold on global communication. Musk is currently under the protection of the Alliance. He is being watched carefully (as he likes riding the fence). The DEW hit came from Europe, not from the US,” the CIA says. They hinted the attack came from around the Vatican or Lake Geneva.
We were also sent these latest blue beam-related images. For sure the world is entering uncharted territory.
====My Links=================
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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 19 Feb. 2022
Compiled Sat. 19 Feb. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Q Has Revealed a Worldwide Military Sting Operation
Military is the only way
Where We Go One, We Go All
Justice is Coming
Trust the Plan
John Rutter’s “New Year”
Videos (
Judy Note: On Fri. 18 Feb. there was extreme weather conditions throughout Europe, Brazil and the US Midwest and East Coast, likely caused by Deep State HAARP program. All of which caused grounding of planes, trains and regular transportation.
Canadian police made over 70 arrests of peaceful protestors and their horse brigade trampled and killed a senior woman, along with destroying her walker.
In Australia the police shot energy weapons on a group of peaceful demonstrators.
None of which was covered by the Mainstream Fake Media, of course.
What was covered was Biden’s insistence to start World War III in the Ukraine, something both Ukraine and Russia don’t want.
It was hoped that the White Hat Global Military would step in with Military Law before Freedom Week which started on Mon. 21 Feb.
“We’re urging a worldwide boycott for Freedom Week. Don’t go to work for seven days beginning Mon. 21 Feb!” …Canadian Freedom Truckers
A. NESARA/GESARA Transition to Greatness, Whiplash347:
Yes this is real. God works in mysterious ways. It was always about this:
No power bills, no more taxes, no more fees, mortgages are illegal. You get it all back. No more Poverty, Homelessness, People of 3rd World Nations to return home to build 1st world destinations. People Govts 10% of their present size. Plenty of wealth for everyone. Homes for everyone. No more drugs/ addictions/ illness/ disease of any kind.The 3 Med Beds fix it all. Reverse all conditions. Not so bad ey? Freedom for all on Planet Earth. The way this Planet is supposed to be.
B. Events on Fri. 18 Feb. 2022:
Extreme weather conditions believed manufactured by the Deep State HAARP program, prevailed throughout Europe including France, the UK, Germany, Netherlands as well as in Brazil and the US Midwest and East Coast, cancelling planes, trains and other modes of transportation.
On Fri. morning Canadian police were making mass arrests of peaceful demonstrators – which was in direct violation of a written agreement signed off with the Canadian government just last night.
Canadian Police on horse patrol trampled and killed a senior citizen woman today. This is really important to make this viral so justice be done to this tyrannic communist Government ASAP. Crimes against humanity.
By Fri. night and despite the freezing cold temperatures and an army of police officers, protesters in Ottawa refused to back down in the face of tyranny.
In Australia the police were using energy weapons on peaceful Freedom demonstrators.
In the Ukraine after several firefights which the CABAL DS aggressor blames on Russia, a gas pipeline in Lugansk was blown up. This was a false flag operation by the American & global financed Ukrainian NAZI REGIME to finally start the third world war which is urgently needed by the military industrial complex and the broken cabal. It’s getting serious now and we should all start praying, because unfortunately it may be that now there really won’t be a stone left unturned‼ Not so bad that the people are gone, then they can clean up there!
The White Hat Military was expected to intervene with Worldwide Military Law over these dictatorships to protect citizens across the globe.
Freedom Week would start next Mon. 21 Feb. and be celebrated worldwide by millions participating in Freedom Trucker/Farmer convoys and demonstrations that requested an end to dangerous Vaccine Mandates.
C. Schedule:
The Federal Government plans to run out of money at midnight Fri. 18 Feb.
Bond Holders in the international community of the Global Currency Reset have been paid and will continue to be paid through Sat. 19 Feb.
On Sat afternoon 19 Feb, Sun 20 Feb. and Mon 21 Feb. US citizen Bond Holders will have access to their funds.
Sun. 20 Feb. 2022: Last day of the Chinese Communist Party World Olympics.
Mon. 21 Feb. 2022: Beginning of Freedom Week; President’s Day
Thousands of Patriots have traveled to Ottawa Canada, while thousands more of US Truckers would be traveling in a Freedom Convoy from LA to Washington DC, plus there would be ongoing Patriotic demonstrations for Freedom in Australia, New Zealand and throughout Europe.
“We’re urging a worldwide boycott for Freedom. Don’t go to work for seven days beginning Mon. 21 Feb!” …Canadian Freedom Truckers
The World Bank Contract is over midnight PST Mon. 21 Feb.
The Quantum Financial System will be in place midnight PST Mon. 21 Feb.
On Tues. 22 Feb. the planet Pluto would complete a full revolution for the first time since July 4, 1776, signaling rebirth of Nations that returned power to The People.
That same Tuesday the Global Currency Reset would take over the global Central Banking System and 209 countries would have gold/asset-backed currencies that traded at a 1:1 with each other.
That same Tuesday Iraq, the kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, would announce their new international rate for their Dinar.
On Fri. 18 Feb. the Iraqi Ministry of Finance announced: “The exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar is fixed and cannot be changed”:
That same Tuesday Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would receive email confirmation of how to set redemption/ exchange appointments at specially set up Redemption Centers across the globe and exchanges would begin.
That same Tuesday or perhaps by Wed. 23 Feb. the General Public would be able to exchange foreign currencies at banks and at the new international rates.
D. Demonstrations Against Vaccine Mandates Attract Millions Worldwide:
“We’re urging a worldwide boycott for Freedom. Don’t go to work for seven days beginning Mon. 21 Feb!” …Canadian Freedom Truckers
The millions around the world participating in Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoys and peaceful demonstrations were protesting mandates that forced free citizens to inject into their own bodies experimental vaccines containing 99% Graphene Oxide (nanotechs) that have been linked to major health problems including Blood Clots, Heart Attacks, Cancer, AIDs, Autism, Neurological Disorders, Sterility, Aborted Babies and death.
Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier who was found dead 6 days ago, confirmed HIV was added to the Convid vaccines.
Medical journals have published proof that natural immunity has made vaccine mandates irrelevant, while recently Dr. Robert Malone announced, “We’ve known how to cure Covid since about March of 2020.”
Vaccine Mandates or Covid restrictions have been or will soon be lifted in France, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, the UK, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
So, what’s your problem Biden, Trudeau and the Australian Government? Are you afraid of losing your kickbacks? Or, are your mandates carried out in behalf of the New World Order Depopulation Agenda? Or, was it both?
E. Trucker/Farmer Freedom Convoy/Demonstrations Against Vaccine Mandates:
Delhi India: The Common Man / Woman / Child from Delhi, India have taken it upon themselves to protest against forced vaccinations, forced RTPCR testing and Forced Masking. They have been waiting for 48 hours now to hand over a Document to the Chief Minsister of Delhi, Mr Arvind Kejriwal giving all scientific evidences, legal aspects etc against these illegal,.unlawful and unconstitutional covid mandates. Till now, no one has come to even receive the documents and to make matters worse the public washrooms have also been locked!! The police officers have been mentally and physically torturing them! Such is the demonic reach of the agents of the NWO!
Canada: Ottawa Convoy for Freedom linked arms in defiance throughout the night.
Ottawa Police Threatens to Arrest Media Covering Freedom Convoy Arrests:
Ottawa Police arrested 70 people on Fri. 18 Feb. 2022.
Australia: Sonic and EMF weapons used against Truckers in Tyrannical Australia to cook them alive. Police on the ground confirmed that they had devices on the crowd. We believe they used some sort of microwave radiating device because a lot of people at the camp and the march on House got really severe burns – blistering and peeling within 24 hours. I can personally attest this happened to me. At first we thought it was sunburn but then started to compare stories, and some of the burns coming out of the people who were there that weekend are horrific. Anti 5G and EMF protection here:
Sonic and EMF weapons used by the Canberra police against the Truckers for Freedom Australia, the government turned its weapons against the citizens they are so going down now. The police even admitted they are having these weapons at the protests, but that they are not using them. They have lied again.
MICROWAVE VICTIM 12th Feb in Canberra at the Truckers for Freedom Australia, the police used energy weapons exposed in the post above to target citizens. A woman describes burning sensation on her skin, blistered lips, aching bones, yellowing eyes, severe headaches and exhaustion. She is in indescribable pain and feels helpless. Anti 5G and EMF protection here:
Australian radio has just announced COVID AT HOME – 2 to 3 weeks worth of food for your own home. Also announced Hospital visiting hours 9 – 5 which is Martial Law hours.
Australia: Every GP in Tyrannical Australia received a notice to keep injecting expired toxic experimental chemical products into people and keep their mouths shut!
Canada: Canada cancels Parliament session as police set to clear protesters.
Canada: Tow truckers have arrived in Ottawa, but instead of towing the truckers, they’re joining the truckers.
Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich has been arrested by Ottawa Police.
It appears mass arrests are about to begin in Ottawa. Police are bringing in buses and keeping journalists back.
These Are the People Trudeau Is Invoking the Emergencies Act Against under handmade signs of “Freedom, Love, Unity!” Despite freezing cold temperatures and severe threats from the government, the spirits in Ottawa have never been higher. “Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”
Interim Ottawa Police Chief (the other one resigned) says he is working with social services and Freedom Convoy protestors to “have children removed from the area prior to any sort of police action.” Removed how? By whom? Where to? For how long? Disturbing turn of events!
Canadian Protest leader Shane “Pebbles” Marshall was arrested near parliament by 50 cops. He’s already out of custody.
US: 1000 + Truckers expected for Non-partisan / Cross-Cultural ‘Peoples Convoy” Heading to Corrupt DC departs Barstow, Commie California Feb. 23.
F. Durham Report:
Durham has the evidence. He’s not looking for it. He already got it all. He can prove private citizen Hillary Clinton, as part of a criminal conspiracy involving her lawyers at Perkins Coie, contracted with a private federal contractor to spy on the Executive Office of the President, as well as illegally mining federal databases on specific political targets.
Kash Patel says his timeline for more Durham indictments is “later this summer.” He explained why the Durham investigation is taking so long. “John Durham is working on the largest criminal enterprise ever perpetuated in U.S. history.”
'Resting-Bitch-Face' Hillary Clinton Confronted in Person Over Bombshell Report That Her Campaign Paid to Spy on Trump:
G. Q Inside the Storm: The Deep State Plan
Earthquakes: thousands of Weather patents, Tectonic weapons exist. Let’s see who will use the Tectonic Weapons to create Massive Earthquakes for inside Current WAR states. Earthquakes of the Century expected.
It has always been the Elite Globalist plan to create bio weapon movies and create a pandemic (PLANDEMIC), create sun flares (advanced electromagnetic pulse weapons) to shut down grids satellites, create fake UFO invasion (look to Pentagon, MSM, Vatican all pushing aliens, UFO story)
The Rockefellers, Rothschilds have long had a fascination and plan to erase the current religions and bring in new religion connected to world earthquakes that would uncover historical Hi Tech civilizations under the ground and artifact’s including a false astroid explosion on Earth.
The Globalists were trying hard to push their agenda as fast as they could before Durham exposed the world corrupt Elites connected to the Clinton/ Obama/ World Banking System that controlled Big Tech, Big Pharma, Mainstream Media, ect.
The Deep State Cabal will keep pushing for Antarctica false flag stories, creating narration that COVID-19 was found in the ice. They planned long ago to say deep in the Ice in Antarctica are Frozen many different deadly viruses. They are setting up the scape goat narration to say Climate Change (really weather weapons being used to create havoc ask over the world/ droughts. Floods, ect.) is the factor for releasing the frozen virus in the Antarctic.
The Deep State had to push their planned agenda for five years ahead of time. They are in confusion across the world and panicked.
The Davos Group Globalists know that the Military Intel Battalions are at their feet.
H. Worldwide Military Sting Operation:
US Army Pacific commanding General Charles Flynn (Mike Flynn’s brother), was visiting Tyrannical Australia right now. The new model is designed to regionally align Army units in roughly one year, Flynn previously told Army Times, giving soldiers expertise in the parts of the world to which they would deploy during an actual conflict and allowing them to stockpile the right equipment to win those clashes. That type of preparation will help Flynn as he takes control of U.S. Army Pacific, a region where the Pentagon’s attention has increasingly shifted to confront a rising China. Of note, Flynn is the younger brother of former Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served as Trump’s first national security adviser before resigning within one month for lying about his contacts with Russian officials.
From the White Hats: Be very careful out there in large protests my friends Patriots and Anons. Remember 5g is up and was originally created by the military to disperse crowds and riot crowds. The energy creates confusion in the mind. The feeling of burning skin, pain in the brain, sickness, Nausia … And even Death in controlled deliberate guided Directed Energy Weapon. New careful out their FREEDOM FIGHTERS on the front lines and thank you for your services to HUMANITY.
I. Trains, Planes Grounded, roads closed on Fri. 18 Feb:
France: Daily commute for millions thrown out of whack due to major strike at Paris metro. On Friday, a huge strike shut down the majority of Paris’ metro system and city train grid.
UK: Flights grounded, trains cancelled and roads closed due to 122 mph mega storm Eunice that left 14,000 in Cornwall without power, and severely disrupted travel.
Germany: stops trains in half of country due to storm.
J. Cabal Weather Manipulation HAARP Storms, Earthquakes:
UK issues rare Red Weather warning as Storm Eunice barrels in. Britain is bracing itself ahead of the storm which has already closed attractions and disrupted travel in some regions. (Evening Standard). There is a risk of “flying debris resulting in danger to life” and “damage to buildings and homes, with roofs blown off and power lines brought down,” the Met Office warned. Wind speed reaches ferocious 122MPH – the strongest EVER recorded in England. Flights grounded, trains cancelled and roads closed.
UK storm alert: Horror chart shows NEW 80MPH storm will batter Britain HOURS after Eunice:
Fri. 18 Feb. Update B52 Deployment HAARP Mission: Flight path of the B-52 bombers: In the southern part of Sweden is one of the largest HAARP installations in the world. In this region the B-52s have made their circles, but since these planes do not make scanning flights, they will have flown a different mission there. HAARP installations were worldwide:
The Israeli army warns that the upcoming earthquake will “kill thousands of people.”
After two aftershocks on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the IDF (Home Front Service) warned Israeli citizens to prepare for an upcoming earthquake. “A strong earthquake is expected in the State of Israel, which will cause a massive catastrophe with thousands of dead and injured,” the civil Defense Agency said, adding: “The fact that there has not been a strong earthquake for a long time increases the likelihood that it will happen in Israel in the near future.”
K. Covid/Vax Hoax:
FBI agents leave City of Houston Health Department HQ with multiple boxes.
On Thurs. 17 Feb. there was a Center for Disease Control (CDC) post about DNA from billions of PCR testing swabs being sent for genome analysis. Today 18 Feb. they posted that “partners” of the Useless CDC got our DNA information. What Partners? The Chinese Communist Party? Wuhan Lab? Chinese military? HIPAA violations in the billions?
FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies:
Dark cloud of Covid curbs slowly easing in Europe. This week a number of countries announced they will soon end Covid protocols:
France lifted a ban on nightclubs as well as limits on sporting events Wednesday
The Netherlands announced it will lift all virus restrictions by next week
Austria and Switzerland will be dropping nearly all anti-Covid measures in March
Germany will phase out its strictest Covid laws on “Freedom Day,” March 20
After extremely harsh coronavirus restrictions, much of Europe will soon be joining the likes of England, Denmark, Sweden and Norway – who have abandoned nearly all virus-related rules.
Cover-Up: 17-year-old Son Dies from Pfizer Shot, Board of Health Suppresses Dad Testimony.
Catholic Archbishop Vigano admits the vaccine is a gene-altering bioweapon and that it’s satanic.
Vaccinated people all over the world show symptoms similar to those of AIDS. Doctors and scientists are confused by the huge number of people around the world who show symptoms similar to those of AIDS after mass vaccination. In a recent episode of Info Wars, Alex Jones also spoke about the growing number of HIV cases. Jones noted that trials of the mRNA vaccine against HIV have already begun, and volunteers in the United States have recently received their first experimental dose. This vaccine was developed in collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and Bill Gates. “The whole thing is a giant scam,” Jones said. “The number of HIV cases is growing everywhere. It spreads faster and kills faster. But what does Covid-19 have to do with it? It was found that vaccines against Covid-19, which began to be introduced in December 2020, attack white blood cells. Scientists say that injections of the Moderna vaccine are 5-10 times more powerful than the virus. This is used to attack the whole world. The Moderna mRNA vaccine causes a new type of autoimmune deficiency in humans, which is much worse. HIV can usually stay dormant for five to 10 years, but VAIDS don’t wait that long. Now it takes from six months to a year, maybe two, depending on the immune system, before the disease can eat all of a person’s white blood cells. “Advanced doctors of America” also stated that vaccinations create “vaccine addicts” whose body will not be able to resist diseases. The fact that the government failed to introduce vaccination quickly enough was also blamed on the frequency of hospitalization of patients with weakened immunity, although the long-term consequences were not taken into account. Currently, there are an unprecedented number of people with AIDS-like diseases, and this is almost entirely among those vaccinated. Moderna and other Big Pharma companies are now producing HIV vaccines with mRNA. Moreover, people will need to keep getting injections, and eventually it can kill them. With each injection, people damage their immune system, which means they may end up with just one shot of AIDS as they try to protect themselves from the virus. So suddenly there are all these mutations and all these things. And the very people who created HIV earlier created this new system in the laboratory and have now released it. “AIDS will eventually cause cancer in people, and the people who make these AIDS-causing vaccines to their children will never admit that they have been deceived. They will have Stockholm syndrome, and they will go and do even more mRNA injections to supposedly mitigate what they have already been injected with. And no one will be able to admit the horror of it.”
L. Global Financial Crisis:
Chinese developer Yango Group failed to make overdue interest payments on two dollar bonds months after winning a reprieve from debt investors:
Modena Stock Collapse reaches over 140 BILLION $$$$ as inside illegal trading give top investors Info to sell their stock and they pull their money.
Shocker From Fed Repo Oracle Zoltan Poszar: Powell Must Crash The Market:
Stock market faces the most ‘massive misallocation’ of ‘capital in the history of mankind,’ says ARK’s Cathie Wood:
60% market crash, governments seizing your money, shortage of food:
Biden’s economic crisis: Used Cars UP 40.5%, Gasoline UP 40.0%, Beef & veal are UP 16.0%, Pork UP 14.1%, Eggs UP 13.1%, Chicken UP 10.3%, Infant and Toddler apparel is UP 8.8%, Transportation UP 5.6%, Electricity UP 10.7%
M. Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Separatists in east Ukraine have announced they’re evacuating the entire civilian population to Russia, citing increased shelling on the front lines.
The 8 year proxy War in East Ukraine is being used as Deep State propaganda while trying to trigger a war. (such as the Deep State MSM plastering photos of Russia shelling an old building). The problem is, how long will Putin watch the propaganda go on? It’s only a matter of time.
With Cyber-Attacks happening in Ukraine, with the US, Communist China and UK expected next, why isn’t Russia being Cyber Attacked at the same level as the Ukraine?
Yes it’s true the MSM Deep State NATO UN trying was hard to trigger a war for the cover up of the Plandemic and two year collapse of the EUs biggest bank Deutche Bank, both of which will create a catastrophe in European nations and 100 of millions of people will find out their money, retirement is gone (stolen).
There were several reasons to create war: silence US Election Fraud, Durham Investigation exposures and indictments which lead to Obama and world organizations, Clinton human trafficking connected to the Vatican, UN crimes, World Banks crime, bioweapons and so on.
It will be necessary to install Military Law across the globe after riots escalate because of many events connected to food and gas shortages; supply chain halts, more banks collapsing and mass panic as billions pull their money.
It’s a World Nuclear Standoff 2022, the Storm of the Century.
N. International Child Sex Trafficking:
The Satanic Cabal & The Child Trafficking Pandemic That Trump Will End:
Actor Macaulay Culkin says blood thirsty satanic Hollywood cult are making shoes from child actors skin that are ritually sacrificed and murdered, he is not joking.
Who Will Find What the Finders Hide? (Documentary & Digs) FBI files on The Finder’s:
Culpeper, VA has/had ties to the Finder’s Cult:
Finders and Keepers:
Putin Emphases The West’s Fall From Christianity & Promotion of Pedophilia:
O. Underground Tunnels and DUMBS:
DUMBS EXPOSED – Underground DUMBS are connected worldwide. They used technology NOT available to those on the surface of Earth — such as FREE ENERGY, magnetic levitation transportation & highway systems. Their ability to move massive cargo overseas can be done in minutes & hours. These underground & underwater transit systems are the bloodline to the DS operations. Much of this covert war is being fought underground, under water & on the water
P. The Deep State, Part One: high treason, military tribunals and secret arrests of politicians in Guantanamo. Could this be true?
“The Internet is full of rumors that high-ranking members of the Deep State (they are the Cabal/The Illuminati/Global elite/clique/cult) were detained for human rights violations/corruption and taken by US special forces to a military prison at the Guantanamo Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of closed indictments. Numerous sources also report on some of the arrested key VIPs.
Although these are still only rumors, recent events point to their plausibility. If these secret investigations, arrests and deliveries to Gitmo, where they face prolonged detention and military justice, turn out to be reliable, then this will have huge political consequences and will make it possible to release suppressed information previously hidden by the “Deep State”.
One of the sources of such rumors is David Todescini, a former US Air Force veteran who wrote a revealing article about covert operations during the Vietnam War. He told about what he learned from a reliable source in the FBI about the events at Guantanamo, which he summarized as follows: “Senior confidential sources have reported that the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay has been warned that high-ranking prisoners are expected to arrive soon, possibly as a result of more than 10,000 closed federal indictments. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to ensure the safety of “special prisoners.”
Another source of information about secret extraditations to Gitmo through sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi, who wrote on Twitter: “Something is going on in Gitmo – flight records are uploaded to the Subreddit. This is probably due to Trump’s decree on the confiscation of assets of those involved in human rights violations.”
The third source is Brenden Dilley, a radio host running for U.S. Congress, who received information from another anonymous whistleblower. The informant’s information appeared on December 27 and refers to the recent discussion of the arrival of VIPs at Gitmo: “What is worth emphasizing in the above-mentioned message is that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, 2017, and it is expected that there will be even more of them. This happened after President Trump issued his decree on December 21 declaring a “national emergency” in response to human rights violations and corruption around the world.
Finally, we have former Forbes magazine correspondent Benjamin Fulford, who wrote on January 1: “At a historic moment of historical justice, most of the main perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” based in the United States are now themselves extradited to the US Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to Pentagon sources. “The assets of the Rothschilds, George Soros, Peter Munch, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, Podesta and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Ministry of Defense is spending $500 million to modernize the prison and is sending more military police and marines there,” the sources say.
From these independent sources, it can be concluded that high-ranking members of the “Deep State”, many of whom are part of a pedophile satanic global network, are detained by American special forces and taken to Gitmo, where they must be held indefinitely while military justice is applied to their cases. At the same time, Gitmo prisons are being significantly modernized, expanded and the number of guards is increasing so that VIP prisoners can be accommodated in them.”
Part Two:
One of the first to mention the use of American Special Forces to investigate and detain the figures of the “Deep State” on the basis of sealed indictments was the whistleblower of the Secret Space Program, Corey Goode. He mentioned such military investigations back on August 9, 2017 after he was informed by a source whom he called a retired FBI employee and a career military officer: “American special Forces teams conducted internal surveillance and investigation against a satanic group that infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the armed forces.”
These Special Forces groups have been operating since the middle of Trump’s presidential term. It was reported that the secret report on how widespread these infiltrations were was more shocking than expected. More recently, Hood’s sources informed him that Gitmo is being upgraded to accommodate VIP prisoners.
The Secret Grand Juries had almost completely completed their investigations when everything changed. They were preparing sealed indictments, having received new information that allowed them to act.
SF Special Forces teams plan to go to some of the countries where escaped members of Society are hiding and take them by force.
Part Three:
Upon careful study of open sources, it is known that on December 21, James Mattis, the US Secretary of Defense, actually visited Gitmo, becoming the first US Secretary of Defense since 2002. On the same day, Trump issued his “Executive Order blocking the property of persons involved in serious human rights violations or corruption,” in which he stated: “… I determine that serious human rights violations and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a state of emergency in the country to combat this threat.”
The timing indicates that this was not just a coincidence, and points to a possible connection between Mattis’ visit and the executive order. This connection is reinforced by an earlier visit to Gitmo in July 2017 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who called Gitmo a “…perfectly acceptable” place to detain new terrorism suspects, as opposed to keeping them in the United States and having his own Justice Department try them in civilian courts.
It is quite possible that Gitmo will be used to detain detainees in accordance with Trump’s decree. They could be handled in accordance with the “national emergency”, which delegates authority to any US agency capable of fulfilling the main function of the decree – to block the financial assets of individuals and groups against whom the decree is directed.: “The Secretary of the Treasury may, in accordance with applicable law, transfer any of these functions to other officials and agencies of the United States. All agencies must take all necessary measures within their authority to comply with this order.”
Thus, Trump’s decree laid a solid legal foundation for the US military to be able to physically detain persons targeted by sanctions on the US mainland and anywhere in the world, and, if necessary, move them to Gitmo.
Another important fact is that Todescini claims that 1,000 Marines will remain there to ensure the special security of VIP prisoners. Similarly, Fulford says that both Marines and military police of the National Guard will be delivered to Gitmo.
The news of the Miami Herald newspaper talks about the proposed modernization of Gitmo, which includes barracks for 848 prisoners, which will be ready in four years. This is very close to the estimated 1,000 Marines that Todescini (and Fulford) claim are sent there to guard VIP prisoners.
On December 29, 2017, it became known that the Arizona National Guard was sending more than four dozen military policemen to Gitmo for a nine-month period.
A Defense Department report quoted in a May 24, 2016 Congressional statement states that in June 2003, the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684, and by 2016 it had dropped to about 80. According to more recent estimates, about 40 Islamic terrorists are being held in Gitmo prison.
An article in the Miami Herald dated August 21, 2017 reported that the Trump administration plans to spend up to $500 million to modernize Gitmo facilities. This included the Navy’s proposal to build a five-bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million.
The fact that a five-bed hospital will be built for such a significant amount suggests that Trump plans to significantly expand the number of prisoners in Gitmo. However, these will not be alleged Islamic terrorists, but VIP prisoners guilty of international human rights violations and corruption, who will not be allowed medical care on the US mainland.
Part Four:
Finally, we come to the key claim that thousands of sealed indictments were prepared, used to authorize the detention and extradition of employees of the “Deep State”. According to former FBI agent Hal Turner, the Electronic Access to Court Documents (PACER) system was thoroughly checked to confirm the existence of 4,289 sealed federal indictments by November 22, 2017. More recently, sources claimed that as of December 24, 2017, this number had increased to more than 9,000 sealed indictments. The figure has not yet been confirmed, but it would be reasonable to conclude that the November figure could have increased significantly during December.
In conclusion, it should be noted that there is convincing evidence in favor of the allegations that the leading figures of the international network of Deep State VIPs involved in child trafficking, human rights violations, corruption and satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and brought to Gitmo on sealed indictments executed by the US military.
The consequences of these unfolding events for the disclosure of secret technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice, and extraterrestrial life, which were previously suppressed by the Deep State, are very large-scale.
There are grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects for “full disclosure” will increase significantly as more and more corrupt officials of the Deep State are sent to Gitmo. Their removal from influential leadership positions in the world will greatly help put an end to their policy of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life on the whole planet for decades.
Some representatives of the world and political elite named in the indictments will appear before federal courts, some before military tribunals in GITMO, and others will appear before international courts.
Q. White Hats in Control, Code 7:
Means that the good guys/Important People/Groups/Military working behind the scenes KNOW the END_GAME
Does not mean that the White Hats were micromanaging everything, nor do they control all world weapons, or events, or catastrophes.
You are inside a crucial moment in the Chess Game where White Hats know the outcome, but Black Hats make the final moves: Sacrifices, Death, Climate Change distractions before the inevitable END_GAME.
White Hats in Control means reprisals. The game is already won but the game must be played out.
It had to be this way. For many reasons the White Hats let the Deep State make their final moves and mistakes.
It’s all recorded and sealed evidence in Crimes Against Humanity Laws.
Their crimes had to be completed in everything they did in almost all countries to make Military Reprisals official and a Military takeover.
Military is the only way.
Have Faith. You’re Inside the Storm.
R. Must Watch Videos:
DISCLOSURE (PART 1): An Interview with “Ray” – UNIFYD:
Juan O’ Savin: Hunters Become the Hunted-Nino’s Corner (Must See Videos) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
MOABS Dropped! It’s All Fake! Stew Peters’ Mind-Blowing Rant Decimates Deep State Cabal’s End Game! Absolutely Must See! | Politics | Before It’s News (
Situation Update, Feb 18, 2022 – The Nazis Weren’t Defeated! They Went Covert & Now Run CANADA & The WORLD! – Mike Adams Must Video | War and Conflict | Before It’s News (
Get Ready! Kings and Queens Have No Clothes – Media Empire Collapsing – Must Stop Project Prometheus By 2030 – Hold the Line Patriots, Heaven Is on Our Side | Beyond Science | Before It’s News (
S. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube Judy Note: YouTube has fixed these links so they don’t work. I suggest you goggle to connect to the link, or better yet use DuckDuckGo.
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
T. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses to pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff’s offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
There’s certainly no help from US or other nation’s government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.
U. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations:
FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300
Submit an anonymous tip
National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.
U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE):
Federal Human Trafficking Website:
Called to Rescue 855-646-5484
Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:
Saving Innocence:
US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453
USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678
Contact Interpol:
Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000
EU Hotlines:
Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:
Human Trafficking Help and Resources:
UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline BBC Action Line
V. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
W. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy